Chapter 1

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A young girl of nineteen years sits in her room, silently meditating with objects floating all around

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A young girl of nineteen years sits in her room, silently meditating with objects floating all around. Fluttering her eyes open, she exhales a breath of air, a pulse of pink energy releasing all around her. A young boy walks into the room, calling for her, "Astra, we need to get going. Or Watto will be mad again."

"I'm coming Anakin," Astra calls out to him. Standing up from the ground, she walks over to her bed, and grabs her tunic. Leaving her room, she walks over to her mother who cleans the kitchen. "Anakin and I are leaving, have a good day mother."

"Be calm and mindful my dear girl," Shmi tells her daughter, stopping her. Astra turns to her mother, "don't let her emotions cloud your judgment."

"I won't mother," Astra nods to her, "I never do anything with clouded judgment." Astra quickly grabs Anakin's hand and leaves through the front door.

The door shuts behind them as Shmi sighs, "oh my dear girl. So strong, so brave." She resumes her chores, pushing her worries to the back of her mind for now.

Astra and Anakin walk through the marketplace, dodging and weaving through the people. "C'mon Ani, we gotta hurry."

"I'm coming Astra," Anakin says, grabbing her hand tightly. Making it to the shop, Astra is the first to enter, with her brother right behind her. "Watto! We're here."

"Ahh, good. Good, boy there are some new parts that need to be fixed out back. Do that and put them where they need to be. And girl," Watto instructs and calls out to Astra. Looking up at Watto, she nods to him, "watch the counter, you've done enough this week."

Astra grumbles and walks behind the counter, "I didn't mean to. It was all an accident."

"An accident? Mmf, i don't care," Watto angrily grumbles. Shouting at Astra, he points to the powerful girl, "just stay there and watch the shop. Call out if any customers come in. I don't need you discussing business with them."

As Watto turns and flies away, Astra pretends to salute him, an angry glare resting across her features.


Astra and Anakin walk out of the shop, making their way through the marketplace. Grabbing his hand, Astra makes her way over to the fruit cart, nodding to the woman behind it. Glancing down to her brother, "pick out some fruit dinner. It's your night to choose the fruit."

"Really bright star?" Anakin asks his sister, looking excited. She nods to him, gesturing to the cart of fruits. Anakin turns, looking over each of the fruits, before his eyes land on some meiloorun fruit. Taking three of them, Astra nods to the lady, passing her the money. Walking away, Anakin stashes them in his sister pack. As they walk past the people in the streets, Astra quickly grabs Anakin's hand as they enter the crowded plaza. Never looking back, the two siblings make their way home, ready to live their lives as normal. But just as Astra walks through the doorway of her family's home, she pauses when something ripples through the air.

"Somethings going to happen," she whispers, looking around the homes and desert.

"Astra come inside dear," Shmi calls out to her daughter. Walking over to her daughter, Shmi asks, "what is it dear?"

"I don't know," Astra says softly, "but something's going to happen."

"Something good? Or bad?" Shmi asks her oldest child.

Looking up at her mother, Astra has a scared expression, "I don't know."

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