42| next stop: forever.

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Frankie Jones

This time when I set off from the starting line, it all felt different.

The final 400m sprint. I could feel a million eyes on me, all wondering the same thing. Would I take the record for this race and go down in history? Or would I be accepting the two records I already had? I wanted to go out with a bang, to take all three records creating a new one in itself. I wanted that more than anything.

I crossed the finish line in first place, smiling at the crowd and looking over at Alice and Harry who stood with smiles on their faces. Had I done it? I didn't think so. I felt like I choked, but I decided just to wait and see, keep a happy face for the camera's congratulating me on another gold medal.

'Frankie Jones makes history, taking the record for the women's 400-'

I didn't need to hear anything else, my legs gave in and I fell to the floor in total awe. I did it, I fucking did it. Everything I've been working for, I've done it. Tears immediately came flooding to my eyes as I sat there on the track at a total loss for words.

The entire olympic stadium roared around me, thousands of people all waving their hands in the air as the other female athletes rushed over to congratulate nme. I couldn't believe it, god, I don't even know what I had even said to the people I spoke to. My mind was totally blank, overwhelmed with pride.

I did it.

The sight around me was like nothing I've ever witnessed before. The entire stadium were on my side, the crowds cheering my name as the entire British team jumped up and down with their arms around one another.

'Frankie Jones officially goes down in history as the greatest athlete of all time.'

The cameras all circled around me, but I could say a word. I just sat there on the track with a smile on my face, looking around at the stadium with tears rolling down my cheeks. This was surreal, a total dream come true and I couldn't quite believe that I had done it.

I looked over at Harry and Alice who were standing with the olympic team, arms round one another as they all jumped up and down chanting my name. I couldn't be more glad to have them here with me, to witness one of the best days of my life.

As I finally had the courage to stand up, the cameras remained following me, the crowd cheering a little louder as I stood up and waved, pumping my fists in the air in celebration. They all cheered that little bit louder as I rose to my feet. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, all these people cheering for me.

My entire career, it felt like everyone was against me. Nobody was on my side, and I told myself I didn't care but reading all those nasty headlines about yourself is pretty hard. Now I'm standing in the centre of the olympic stadium with the entire building cheering for me, celebrating my win with me. They weren't against me anymore.

I walked over to my team, eyes still streaming as I wore the biggest smile on my face. Alice ran over to hug me, squeezing me harder than she ever has before and telling me how proud she was. I could barely focus on that though, as I looked over her shoulder, hugging her back, I saw Harry standing there with starry eyes and a smile, clapping his hands as he shook his head in disbelief.

'Oh Frankie,' Alice said, pulling back to place her hands on my cheeks with tears in her own eyes. 'You did it.'

'I know,' I chuckled, hugging her again as I could barely speak for tears.

Alice being here to witness this means the world to me. She's been by my side since I was a teenager. She's dealt with all the hissy fits and the storming out of stadiums, she's dealt with all the baggage I bring and never once did she consider giving up on me. The only person to stick by my side from the beginning of it all.

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