18| at the end of the day.

152 10 2

Harry Styles

This Morning we woke up and did as planned, we used the gym in the hotel to train a little in the morning and we went for a tour of the stadium. We only had a thirty minute slot to see the whole thing. It turns out it was actually just some marketing plot so they could take Frankies picture and send her on her way again.

She seemed pissed off by it, but we got a trip to Spain out of it and we were straight in the taxi to another athletic training ground anyway so we weren't missing out really. It was a strange half hour, I think we both needed the time to run and clear our minds so I was glad we still had the whole day left to train.

The hotel does smoothies and so I had one ordered to her room this morning. She never said much about it when we met this morning, but she had a smile on her face that let me know she received the smoothie. I like when she greets me with a smile and not an eye roll, although I've learned to like that too.

Frankie just crossed the finish line of a four hundred sprint and I looked down at my stopwatch to see ent time replicate her personal best for a four hundred. I smiled to myself as she fell to the ground and I wandered over with her settle bottle in hand.

'You just met your own record.' I told her, passing the bottle of water down to her as she sat there with red cheeks trying to catch her breath.

'It's so hot, fuck...' Frankie sighed, extending her legs and leaning back on her arms with one hand hiding the Sun from her eyes. 'I need to train more here, I need to break the record.'

'Frankie,' I sighed, crouching down to her level. 'You're an average of 1.8 seconds ahead of everyone else that's qualified, you're gonna win gold regardless of breaking the record. You've broken so many other records in athletics anyway, you're statistically, one of the greatest athletes there has ever been, if not the greatest.'

'I want this.' She groaned, 'I can't get the idea out of my head now that I know there's a chance...I know that's bad, before you lecture me.'

'I know, so we're gonna get you at your very best, okay?' I smiled and stood back up, holding out my hand to help her up to her feet too. 'World record for every race is simply the cherry on the top. You're already the best.'

'I'm gonna do it.' She grinned as she stood up.

'You will if you keep that attitude, Frankie.' I chuckled, she walked off ahead to the bench to take a proper seat for a moment.

We've been here for a while now, she's been working excessively hard trying to get used to running in this heat and beat the record for each race she runs. I'm glad she knows she should take a break right now because if I was to ask suggest it then she'd train ten times harder just to spite me and end up hurting herself.

I sat down next to her, took a sip from my own water bottle because today was hot, the hottest part of the day in fact. We don't get this weather back home, barely even close so it was genuinely beneficial to train over here, this wasn't just a little holiday that we wanted.

'What's Frankie short for?' I asked her out of curiosity. 'Are you a Frances?'

'No.' She said bluntly. 'I'm a Frankie.'

'I swear you said your parents are both teachers, no way they named you frankie.' I chuckled and when a slight smirk crept onto her face, I knew I had my answer. 'Oh my god, you're a Frances!'

'Shut up!' She elbowed me right in the side to shut me up but it didn't work, I found it amusing. 'I haven't gone by Frances since I was in school, only my parents call me Frances so don't even think about it because I will seriously kill you.'

Born To Run | H.S.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن