15| morning smoothies and taxis home.

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Frankie Jones

I woke up this morning abruptly. I heard my hotel room door open which frightened me but then I saw Harry standing there in his boxers talking to someone, saying words I couldn't register due to being half asleep still. My eyes were half closed and my brain wasn't fully working yet.

Harry wandered back over to the bed, he was holding a tray with two glasses on it and it looked strangely like two smoothies. I sat up and looked at him confused when he passed a glass over to me with the napkin stuck to the bottom with condensation.

'Mango and passionfruit.' He smiled.

I expected Harry to be gone when I woke up, I expected that noise to be the sound of the door closing behind him but it wasn't. He remembered my smoothie order and he was collecting room service he ordered for both of us. I hated how happy it made me, the simplest act of kindness and I had butterflies flying in my stomach.

'Was gonna get food but didn't know how long you'd be asleep or what you even have for breakfast so played it safe, do you even like those smoothies?.' Harry asked. 'I always just assume you do based off of one time, that's bad, right?'

'It's fine.' I laughed, sitting up right in the bed with my knees up at my chest, sipping the smoothie Harry got for us. 'I like mango and passionfruit ones best, you're right.'

'What times the flight?' Harry asked, 'Afternoon right? We don't gotta leave until like eleven?'

'Think so.' I nodded, it was eight thirty right now.

'Great.' He grinned, 'I'm all packed...you however...'

'Okay shut up.' I laughed, watching him look around my room which is full of clothes and maybe the most unorganised it could be. When I'm packing to go home, I just pack everything and deal with it back home, so it wouldn't be too difficult surely.

We didn't really address last night in the morning, we brushed over it to be honest. It was a fun morning we had. He watched as I chaotically shoved everything into my suitcase without folding a single thing. I'm just gonna wash it all when I'm home anyway so I didn't see the point.

Eventually he left to go and shower. He kissed me on the cheek before he left and it frightened me a little. He apologised and I didn't mind him kissing me ther,e it just caught me off guard. Kisses on the cheek feel like something only couples do and Harry and I are far from that. We've slept together less than a handful of times, we fight over stupid things and we haven't even kissed because I just can't kiss him like that without feeling like this is something it isn't.

Alice doesn't even know about Harry and I, perhaps I should tell her because keeping this all in is driving me insane. I need her advice, she'll give me some I won't listen to but I just want to hear her tell me that this is stupid so that it's easy for me to admit to myself that this is wrong.

When we met downstairs, Alice was dealing with the taxi situation and how things would work at the airport, leaving Harry and I waiting in the lounge together. I had the feeling there that she thought something was up, but she never said anything.

'Here,' Harry said, reaching into his rucksack for something.

It was a postcard. A pretty vintage looking postcard with 'Australia' written on the bottom and a picture of the beach. It was a pretty postcard, and the thought of Harry buying that with the intention of giving it to me made my heart flutter. It was a sweet gesture.

'This is for me?' I asked, taking it from his hands praying to god my cheeks didn't turn pink.

'Yeah,' he smiled, 'One for your collection.'

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