41| a special request.

176 12 6

Harry Styles

Last night the second I got into my hotel room after seeing Frankie I ran around like a crazy person, silently screaming before shoving my head into the pillow to mute all the sound I let out.

God, I tried so embarrassingly hard to keep my cool out there, to not fall to my knees and tell her how beautiful it was to watch a woman so deserving of her dreams live them out right before my very eyes. She looked so beautiful, and so damn happy too that it made my heart triple in size.

Just seeing her smile yesterday made me happier than ever. I've never felt such pride in my entire life and just seeing the entire olympic stadium on her side, appreciating the fact that Frankie had just made history was absolutely incredible to witness. I've never experienced anything like it and I'm so glad I was there to see it for myself.

I didn't expect to see her last night, and whilst there were so many things I had to say to her, I somehow managed to refrain and just say what was needed. It wouldn't have been right to treat her like normal, not after months of no contact when she reached out and I stupidly made no effort to. I don't want to get in the way of her life right now, she's here at the olympics and it would be wrong of me to interfere, that's why I didn't want her to know I was here.

Today, is the 200 and the 400, if she takes the record for these two races then she'll do what no athlete has ever done before. I woke up like it was my own race, showered and threw on the best outfit I had packed into this tiny suitcase. A white shirt and navy trousers, some sunglasses and a probably a stupid amount of aftershave, now that she knew I was here I feel like I have to make an effort.

The entire world knows I'm here now. It was in the media, lots of stupid articles about an ex-love showing up, rumours that we had never actually split up, and just stuff that made sense. I didn't want that, I didn't want anything to take away from the fact Frankie had just had her name permanently engraved into history.

I hopped in a taxi to head to the stadium, and when I got there and joined the queue to get in, people started approaching, asking for autographs and asking questions I didn't want to answer. I had just bought a last minute standard ticket and yesterday I arrived later so there were no queues, however with yesterday being so significant, everybody was arriving early including me, so my plan had failed.

'Mr Styles?' Somebody approached me in the line with a lanyard and clipboard, 'Come with me, please.'

'Uh, sure.' I shrugged.

'It isn't safe for you to use the regular entrance, sir.' The man explained. 'And you have been invited to relocate your seat to the section occupied by the Great British team.'

'Oh, really?' I asked, confused. 'I'm not here looking for celebrity treatment. I don't work for them anymore, and I'm fine to sit up in the crowd.'

'It was a request from the team themselves.' The man told me. 'That's all I know, I'll show you there.'

A request?

Regardless, I followed the man through a side door into corridors occupied by people who worked at the stadium. It felt wrong to be taken aside like this, as somebody who isn't competing, or here as part of a team, I should just be part of the regular crowd like I was yesterday when nobody knew I was here.

I got to the part filled with people from home, those I used to work with, and it was all a little overwhelming. They occupied a section of seats up and away from the track, a metal barrier separating us from the athletes and coaches who were on the benches. I recognised everybody here, those in tracksuits and three piece suits, and part of me was nervous to stand next to them, as I was a guy who walked away from all of this. 

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