35| jealousy.

178 10 0

Harry Styles

Training was cut short because of this evian event that Frankie has to attend. She didn't want to cut it short but had little choice as she had to get something to wear from some designer. Somebody was doing her hair too, and another for her makeup. Frankie couldn't be bothered with it all, she said she doesn't understand why she has to be fussed over.

There was a car arranged to pick her up, so I had to drive to her place because she decided I was her plus one. She opened her door and I almost fell to my knees, she looked absolutely breathtaking.

Upon arrival, we were greeted with champagne and handshakes from many familiar faces, and important people who don't have any ties to athletics, who are here purely for the sake of their image. I don't mind events where it's full of sporting personalities, but it's the ones full of people who are only here to get some pictures for the magazines that I can't be bothered with. It all just feels too superficial.

Martin White was here, obviously. He made a B-line for Frankie and I. She hadn't noticed him approaching and decided to go mingle with some people she recognised, which I was partially grateful for, it meant I didn't have to watch Martin eyeing her up right in front of me.

'Hey man, where's Frankie off to?' He asked, shaking my hand but paying me no attention.

'She went to talk to a few people she knows.' I explained.

'You guys like...together then or what?' Martin said with a smirk on his face, like he didn't believe that we would be together.

'Yeah, I suppose we are.' I shrugged. 'Why'd you ask?'

'Just unexpected. Didn't think we'd see someone like Frankie settling down, or you I suppose.' Martin chuckled, holding his glass of whiskey that he just knocked back. 'Frankie not a hard one to crack? You like the challenge?'

'I don't think that's any of your business.' I said bluntly, to which he just laughed.

'Maybe not,' He smiled, tapping my shoulder before he decided to walk off. 'You're a lucky man.'

'Are you jealous Martin?' I asked, spinning to face him as he walked off.

Martin heard exactly what I had asked him, but he never responded and just kept walking off somewhere I didn't care about. I hate him, I really do hate him and his apparent fondness he expresses towards Frankie, the woman I'm in love with, has only fuelled this more. I've never liked him, he's always been cocky, this year however it's so much worse.

I'm out of the Olympics this year and so that means Martin is one of the best on the men's team now. He was always second place when I was around, and it always got to him. Maybe I should be cheering him on this year, as a representative of my country, but at the same time watching him stare at Frankie from across the room  makes me feel sick.

Frankie continued doing her bit, mingling with people she most likely didn't want to even talk to. It was the right thing to do though, she's evians main sponsor this year and so she was kind of the star of the show here. Everyone was dying to talk to her, to grab her for a few minutes andI don't blame them.

There were people I knew here, some athletes and I found myself sitting with some of the swimmers Iwas friends with not too long ago. It was nice to see some of the people I've lost contact with, some familiar faces and forgotten friendships. We did the usual, swapped numbers and swore to catch a drink some evening, knowing all too well neither of us would message to arrange this evening.

I wandered over to the cocktail bar, ordered myself a martini and then Frankie joined me there. She got herself a frozen cocktail of somesort, one I wish I had ordered. She sat down next to me, cocktail glass in hand and smirk on her face.

Born To Run | H.S.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora