17| mint choc chip or vanilla?

211 13 1

Frankie Jones

It's been a busy few days.

I've had a lot of work to do before Harry and I head off to Spain for a few days to train and see the new Olympic stadium. It's been seriously busy, I've been trying to train in between work things and I haven't had a lot of time recently. I've been in London a lot, it's been hectic.

I had to film a commercial for Evian, and then go to a dinner with other people who were also part of the new Nike campaign. There were fittings and sizings for running shoes and Olympic gear I needed, as well as shoots for brands I was sponsored by. I'm not big into all that work, I only work with brands I actually like, such as Nike, and Evian.

Last week I went for coffee with Alice and wore a pair of sunglasses. The next thing I know the brand is emailing saying they wanna work with me because their sales have gone up by a certain percentage. They used that paparazzi image to promote their glasses and I felt weird about it, so I declined the offer and I have done so in many similar instances.

I went for dinner with my parents, which also felt like work. They quizzed my entire career and wondered why I was jetting off again. It was at our hours of my life I wish went differently. It was hard, it was hurtful too. I brought flowers and yet again they were tossed in the trash.

This Morning I had a car come pick me up and bring me to the airport. I was to meet Harry there for our work trip to Spain. This time a little while ago, I'd have died at the thought of having to go on a trip with Harry alone would've made me so irrationally angry. Now, there's a part of me that looks forward to it, even if it is a work trip.

There is still a part of me that dreads it though. I worry about what will happen, if we'll fuck and pretend it never happened,because I don't know how much more I can pretend we haven't had sex that wasn't intimate regardless of the fact I haven't even kissed Harry yet.

He was waiting at the check in desk alone with his glasses over his eyes and a beanie on. It was a pink beanie, and he was also wearing some short shorts and it was the first time I had really noticed some of the tattoos he has on his legs.

'Morning grumpy pants, how are we today?' Harry asked, a smile on his face as I approached.

'Fine thanks. Let's go.' I said, walking towards the desk right by Harry which made him laugh.

It took us an hour to get through security and the check in. It was stressful and I was convinced we were gonna miss our flight. We didn't though, we got through eventually and had time for a quick coffee. I bought a postcard as Harry walked around window shopping in duty free.

On the plane, he offered me the window seat which I couldn't refuse. It was a short flight, much shorter than our last flight from Australia so it was at least going to be more manageable. I'd read and then listen to music, Harry would do the same and realistically, we could go the whole flight without talking.

I took out the postcard I bought before getting on the plane so I could start writing on the back of it. I didn't know what I'd write, that I was setting off to Spain with Harry maybe, and it would be my first time seeing the Olympic stadium. I looked over at Harry who was watching with folded arms and a smile.

'What?' I asked.

'You and your postcards.' He smiled.

'Me and my postcards.' I nodded back.

Harry took out a notebook, the same one he always has with him. His whole life meist be in here. Every thought he has he seems to write in there, from running techniques, to things he has to remember, to shopping lists. He didn't write in it though, he flicked through the pages and then shut the notebook again and pulled out a book to read.

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