16| a man's house.

210 13 1

Harry Styles

It's been a wild few days.

I haven't seen Frankie as we've had a break from training due to jet lag, and then she was training with the Olympic team for the weekend. I stayed at home with my mum, she asked me about Frankie because sh W knows me so well and I couldn't lie and say there was nothing to tell. I didn't tell all the details, my mum would never ask, all I said was that it was complicated.

Frankie occupies the majority of my thoughts and yet she's so out of reach that I know damn well I can't have her the way I'd like. Selfishly though, I keep convincing myself that I can and it's so wrong. Frankie doesn't want that, and to have something like that knowing we work together would probably stir up unnecessary controversy.

My mum didn't offer much advice, she tends not to with things like these because she doesn't wanna put her nose in other people's business. All she did was smile, nod her head and say that Frankie seemed like a lovely girl. Frankie is a lovely girl, she's also incredibly stubborn and difficult sometimes, and yet here I am, still unable to think about anyone else.

Today I had to go into London to meet with Alice and Frankie. I got the train and then wandered over to Alice's office, ten minutes early and so Frankie wasn't there. I had time to kill do stopped by the smoothie shop round the corner and I took one in with me, that was intended for Frankie. Alice invited me in and made me a cup of tea, whilst she looked at me like there were things she wanted to ask.

'Did you have your girls night with Frankie?' I asked, sitting at the other side of her desk as I sipped my cup of tea.

'I'm not telling you what she said about you.' Alice said, staring me right in the eye, and suddenly I felt stupid. 'C'mon Harry, men are predictable as hell sometimes, I knew that's what you were gonna ask and I'm not telling you. It was nothing bad.'

'Really? Nothing bad?' I chuckled. 'I do not believe that for one second.'

'Not much bad anyway.' Alice smiled.

We could hear the sound of Frankies voice down the hallway as sh greeted the woman at reception. It out w smile on both of our faces and soon, Frankie walked in with a smoothie in her hand, and a surpised look on her face when she saw me there too.

'This is a joint meeting?' Frankie asked, looking at me then Alice as if she didn't want me here.

Awkwardly, I reached across to where I put her smoothie down and pretended that it was mine. I could feel my face burning red and I was praying it wasn't too visible. I don't know what I was thinking. Alice explained the logistics of today to Frankie and she sat down eventually, even gave me a little smile which made things feel a little better.

It was a long conversation about sponsorships that came first. What shoes Frankie wanted for the Olympics and what sizes she wanted her running outfits in. As a Coach, I had to have team GB clothes ordered too, as did Alice and so that's what the first hour of the meeting was about. I didn't know Frankie was so particular about her clothing until now but it makes sense somehow.

We were given the schedule to work around from the Olympic team, and then where Frankie would fit in the work she has to do for sponsorships. Evian water have sponsored her. She gets free water bottles and all sorts of things from them now as long as she stars in one commercial and does some posters from them. That was factored into the calendar too.

Frankie was invited to view the Olympic stadium by some officials. It had finally finished being set up and so she was invited to view it ahead of the games. She suggested making a trip out of it, we could go view the grounds and stay for a few weeks to train in the climate, considering Spain is where the olympics will be held.

Born To Run | H.S.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora