14| I'll still be here.

186 13 3

Harry Styles

I stayed up far too late last night, trying to see if I could hear a door open and praying it wasn't Martin White knocking on Frankies door. He didn't, she didn't call him. I didn't think she would, but if she did she'd have every right to and I can't help but feel insanely jealous.

I wish she'd call me at night, come here and even just sit with me, enjoy my company. I don't care about the sex, that goes last on the things I think about when it comes to Frankie. I bought a couple postcards this morning cause I saw them in the shop and they reminded me of her. I was at the gym alone this morning and wondered why I felt so unmotivated there, I had nobody to show off to. I think about her too much.

Tonight is the charity gala and that meant another night of seeing her all dressed up. She looked unbelievable last night, and seeing the proud smile on her face after her speech and as she accepted her medals, it gave me butterflies.

We were all meeting in the hotel lobby at seven. Alice and I got there on time however Frankie didn't. Her timing when it comes to these kinds of things doesn't seem to be very good, she'd play it off as fashionably late when in reality she just didn't factor procrastinating in to her getting ready routine.

Finally she joined us, twenty minutes late but tonight she was wearing a dress and red lipstick. I could barely look at her for too long without grinning like a little boy. Alice caught me trying not to smile, and so did Frankie but she knew I found her attractive. She knew I was driven wild by her right now.

Frankie forgot her purse, so had to run upstairs to grab it as Alice and I apologised to our taxi driver who had to wait an extra twenty minutes because Frankie takes so long. Alice looked at me with folded arms, as if I had something to explain and I desperately tried to pretend it was nothing.

'You like her.' Alice told me, her eyebrows raised with a smirk on her face.

'Nope.' I laughed. 'You're so wrong.'

'So when she comes downstairs you'll be able to look at her for more than five seconds without smiling and your eyes turning to hearts?' She asked then, and I went to talk but held my breath when I realised I didn't know what to say. 'Thought so.'

'No.' I chuckled, shaking my head. 'She looks good, Alice. Doesn't mean I'm like...in love with her.'

'I never said that.' She smiled smugly.

Frankie came back down the stairs and Alice smirked as I tried to look at her without smiling. I couldn't, Alice was right. Frankie looked too good for me to be able to refrain from smiling.

At the venue, people naturally came rushing over to her. She's one of the greatest athletes of all time so obviously people would try and talk to her, or grab an autograph, even at events like these. We went our separate ways inside, knowing we'd be bumping back into one another again shortly.

There were lots of big names in the industry, but there were also big Australian celebrities here too. Anything for a night of socialising and free alcohol apparently. It wasn't particularly my scene to be honest, but I couldn't sit at the bar alone all night so I introduced myself to the group nearest.

'You're Frankie Jones' coach?' A lady I knew to be Simone Riley asked me.

I'm a three time Olympic champion, being known as 'Frankies coach' is definitely a new thing to me.

This group of people loved talking about their bank accounts, which bank is best and how to invest your money. I'm not a fan of that, I feel like there's a time and a place for the money talk and it isn't here. I left as quick as I could, tried to figure out who could possible be better.

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