"you're alive." the princess said in shock. "i'm so glad you are okay." 

morgana winced as she remembered morgause's words. keep isabella close. "me too, i missed you so very much." morgana sighed.

gaius came and treated morgana, and isabella insisted on staying with her until she woke up. isabella wanted to ask questions but knew it was best to ask them when she was awake with a fresh mind.

"morgana," isabella was greeted with a hug when the ward woke up. "i missed you,"

"can you remember anything?" isabella asked carefully.

"i...i was kept in a cell for almost a year. i ought to have gone mad." she whispered through tears as isabella held onto her hand, nodding along with her.

"how did you escape? how are you here?" she asked, a slight suspicion flowing through her body. why now? why after a year?

"they moved me about a week ago, i don't know why." she responded, a distant look on her face as isabella noticed merlin walking in through the corner of her eye.

merlin. the one who poisoned her. she was sure to remember that.

"it may have been the patrol from camelot." she suggested as isabella furrowed her eyebrows. "the patrol found you?"

morgana nodded, a sad smile on her face as she wiped away her tears. "i thought i was going to be free. but then i saw them killed, every one of them cut down. but that night, the bandits were distracted by their spoils. i took my chance. when i saw arthur, i couldn't believe it."

isabella brought her in for a hug as morgana began to cry, however when morgana saw merlin, she tensed, and her face fell. "merlin."

isabella turned to face the book who looked at them regretfully. "i want to speak to you." she said, and merlin hesitantly walked forward.

"i know what you did. you tried to poison me." morgana's voice cracked as isabella's eyes widened as she stared at merlin who's eyes filled with tears.

"i didn't want to." merlin choked out.

"it's alright merlin, i understand." morgana smiled tearfully, isabella glanced at her in confusion. "you were just trying to protect your friends. i would have done the same."

"really?" merlin asked quietly, and morgana sighed.

"i was so naive, izzie, merlin. i don't think i really understood what i was doing. but believe me, i have seen the evils in this world. i have seen first hand what it is that uther fights against. you don't know how much i regret everything that i have done. i just...i hope you both can forgive me." she cried as isabella pulled her in for a hug.

"i am so sorry for everything you have been through." merlin said sincerely as morgana sniffled out a smile. "it's...it's really good to have you back." merlin smiled.

morgana let out a teary laugh, agreeing. "we shall leave you to rest." isabella smiled, standing up and walking away with merlin.

"see? wasn't so bad." isabella muttered as merlin rolled his eyes, but agreed. "i—" isabella began.

"don't say i told you so." he cut her off as she frowned in offence.

"i would never!" she acted offended. "but i did tell you so."

FOR THE first time in a while, isabella woke up with a smile on her face. morgana was finally back, and she had changed. all of the things the great dragon had told her before were not going to happen.

unknowingly to her, morgana had visited morgause the night before and had explained everything that had happened so far at camelot. she had told morgause that merlin and isabella didn't suspect a thing and believed she has changed.

𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, arthur pendragon. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ