He stared at his mom who nodded, "Go, Darius."

With his eyes lowered and shoulders slumped as if he already knew what would happen, he started to walk with the Social Worker.

I turned away from staring at the retreating boy and met Amella's eyes again. But before I could say anything more, a small body flew past me and hugged her tightly.

"I love you, Mom. You're the best. Thank you." He pulled away to look at her face and kissed her cheeks and her forehead and her nose.

He kissed her all over with a sad smile. "Thank you for everything." He jumped down, "I'll see you again soon. Promise." His smile was half-forced and he had a missing canine.

He was convincing himself and grabbing onto hope that was quickly slipping away. But he seemed to be a well-raised one. I had admire his tenacity and strength. The little guy was strong.

Fuck . I hated my job sometimes.

"I'll talk to you later." I turned on my heel, resorting to giving them some privacy because God knew this might be their last meeting for a while.

I made my way into the house, crossing the garden with its overgrown grass and wilted flowers, and then just took a moment.

I closed my eyes for just two seconds, blocking out everything and anyone, and tried to suppress my own feelings. I unclenched my fist and released one slow breath, letting the anger and frustration slip with that movement. Once more, I inhaled deeply, but the metallic smell of blood was permeating the air in the house, and I didn't welcome it.

Suddenly, the click of a camera shutter sounded, and my eyes opened as the flash subsided.

The camera with its lens focused on me lowered slightly, multi-colored green and blue and brown eyes peeking out from below well-shaped eyebrows.

"You're blocking the view, and I need to get a clear picture." Honeyed voice passed her painted lips.

I tilted my head at Kaya, automatically responding before I even processed it, jumping on the distracting opportunity.

"You already clicked a clear picture of the real view, though."

Way to objectify yourself. Great going, Erex.

"But you changed your shirt." A patronizing tone bled into her words. "The previous one would've made for a much better picture." Her sly smile was hidden behind her camera, but her eyes crinkled.

I let out a huff, shaking my head, understanding just what she was insinuating. We'd have a proper conversation about that soon enough.

"I didn't expect that from you." I moved closer to her, and she clicked another picture as I moved out of her way.

The blonde shrugged, her golden waves tied up in a ponytail moving with the motion. "I was just doing someone a favor."

I raised a brow.

She didn't look at me, but I knew she felt the question. That was precisely why she let it drop, and I knew it. 

But before we could talk more about it, Finn joined us. "The place looks pretty normal. It's a bit of a mess, but aside from that, one can't find anything incriminating evidence."

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