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"It's D-Day. I almost feared you wouldn't arrive."

I simply rose a brow at Eve as she conspicuously stared at the door, warm brown eyes narrowed.

"I don't go back on my word." I mused.

"Good to know. I'll be cashing on those 'words' of yours a lot more now that I know." She smirked, and I narrowed my eyes in what was slightly a playful manner.

Emile's was far from buzzing with activity, but there were a good number of customers occupying the seats. One of which was taken up by Erex in his crisp white shirt and dark trousers. The smell of ever-present coffee mixed with freshly baked vanilla goodies filled the inside of the café.

"I came as soon as I could." I shrugged and took my cup of Mocha Latte. "Now, where are they—"

I was surveying the café, trying to spot the gaggle of 'mean girls' as Eve put it, when a shrill laugh cut through the air. Eve cringed and looked heavenwards, while my eyes flew towards the source of the indignant cry. 

"This has 2 shots of espresso in it and three pumps of syrup! I asked for just one!" A girl of about twenty hissed at the waiter attending to her, and I tilted my head.

"I got you exactly what you ordered, Miss." The waiter smiled through his teeth, and she scoffed. 

"Make it again." She turned away, holding out the drink that he took with a roll of his eyes before making his way back. You could see his fed up expression as he walked over with an angry addition to his steps.

This kind of customer truly did suck. I'd had the opportunity to observe a few previous targets, affluent ones, who liked to pull this kind of stunt. Apparently, it was a self-declaration of status that stoked their own egos and superiority complex.

The five girls and a woman in her mid fourties occupied a table that was directly opposite Erex, who, I noticed, took a deep breath the second this event took place. He didn't look up, but it did look like he was going to try and wrap up his work so he could leave quickly. 

I'd observed him enough these past two weeks to know he liked to come here and spend some evening time while working on some of the cases we had and gathering information. It was nothing too sensitive, but I suppose he liked the ambiance of the place. I couldn't deny that it was a small corner of peace and cottage core, autumn kind of aesthetic in the middle of the bustle city of Chicago that was surprisingly what people would categorize as 'pleasant'.

"Why aren't you serving them today?" I questioned Eve once she came out from the side, her apron off.

"Because I couldn't. I took a break. Also, my co-workers decided to spare me today." She tiredly explained. "I just...I really can't deal with them today, and I think they all realized I'd hit my limit with that group." She murmured, watching as the other waiter took the new order. "Poor guy."

"Ah, I see." I sipped on my drink as we stood off to the side.

"So, what's the plan?" She eagerly turned to me.

I rose an unamused brow. "There is no plan."

Her eager eyes turned dark. "You can't do this to me."

I faked a chuckle and patronizingly patted her shoulder, "Don't worry. I'll try a little something."

"You better make it work, or the deal is off."

I waved her off and turned on my heel, savoring the taste of coffee. Or well, pretending to.

When I sat down across from Erex, the man didn't raise a single eyebrow. I chose to silently observe as well, scrolling the data on my phone and keeping an eye on the group of girls from my peripheral.

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