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The most striking feature about me were my eyes.

I had never gone on a mission without contact lenses. Not until now. Not until Erex Castillo was declared the target of my seductions. And so to turn on the full extent of my charms, Marcello had given me explicit instructions to forgo wearing contact lenses.

I blinked again, holding up the compact mirror to survey my now black eyes - courtsey of the colored lenses.

The most striking feature also meant the most recognizable and impactful one.

And so my eye color had never been common knowledge because I always wore some kind of colored lenses. 

It was more...normal for me to see myself in the mirror and not look at my actual irises. People would probably think me crazy for that thought but people didn't know anything so I was in the clear. I tilted my head to the side, making sure that the contour didn't look strange.

I applied a smidge of lip gloss and then closed the mirror, sliding it into my purse. 

The woman who walked into this washroom and the one who'd walk out would not be the same.

I opened the stall door, walking out and washing my hands alongside another woman. Soft, seductive music changed to raunchy lyrics and upbeat sounds as soon as I crossed the threshold and went back outside, into the den of lions. And my new mission's target.

As I steadily made my way to the drinks bar, I kept my features hidden by the curtain bangs of the black wig so as to avoid the CCTV's curious gaze. I didn't know if I was being monitored or not. Didn't know if it was Erex's people or Marcello's. Could be either, really. Or could be neither.

I simply had to be on my best behavior and leave no traces behind. Because there were always going to be eyes on me. And I'd long since learned that lesson. 

Sliding into the empty seat closest to Jones Hill - the Bratva hacker who apparently had information on Ace, I ordered a Daiquiri.

I was taking a big risk with this mission right now but then again, when dind't I. The only issue was that Erex was a variable who was connected to this man as well. The whole FBI was. It worked in my favor that I overheard a conversation that Team 4 had been having regarding the hacker Ace's whereabouts.

Just like Bruno said and I'd anticipated, the FBI was already on Jones Hills' trail in order to find Ace. It was not that hard to grab a hold of some more information when I exchanged files with their team's photographer and sleuthed around in a natural manner.

They'd last seen him two days ago around this area before losing his tracks.

I just conveyed the same to Marcello and he gave me his exact position within an hour. It was ironic in a way. How the Mafia was much more swift than the FBI. From there, it was only a matter of time before he'd be tracked down again. Jones didn't have a criminal record but he did vanish unprecedentedlyand that put him on the FBI's radar.

His appearance in the public again probably didn't go unnoticed by the FBI. I had my assumptions that there were people from the Burea already here to keep an eye on him. And that was exactly why I had to be quick and covert if I wanted to succeed.

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