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Erex Castillo was not a hermit but he was good at avoiding when he so wished. I didn't get a single look at that raven head since last evening.

And I was spying on him with a lot of dedication.

"A caramel mocha and a blueberry muffin, please and thank you." I ordered the barista, two women and a man standing in line behind me.

"Mmhm, sure thing." The dark skinned Latina behind the counter stared at me for a second too long and then started to prepare the order. I kept a pleasant smile on as the smell of coffee and baked goods permeated the air.

The back of the place was a restaurant but in the front, they'd modelled it into a wonderful Cafe.

It wasn't everyday that I had a limitless cash supply and so I meant to splurge as much as I could at Emile's today. And for the sake of my non-existent mental health, I decided to postpone thinking about Erex till I was armed with some food at least.

"Here's your order."

I grabbed my food and paid, flashing a full smile at the Barista. Her name tag read 'Eve', so I threw in a pleasant, "Thank you, Eve."

She leaned her head on her fist, elbow on the counter and grinned at me. "You're really pretty."

I amusedly rose a brow before chuckling and turning on my heels. "Right back at you.."

Once I was settled on a table in the far left of the Cafe with a view of the entire place, I finally took a sip of my drink.

Sitting strategically at this spot, I could see everyone who entered and everything happening. My eyes flitted outside and I spotted a young college couple bickering, a woman dropping off some trash. Two bikes sped past.

My camera usually hung from my neck, so I took it off now and let it rest, set to record.

It might have been the first time I had been given a cover as a forensic photographer but I'd indeed worked with a camera many times and knew just how much incriminating evidence could be captured in these devices.

I took a bite out of my muffin and glanced at the big grandfather clock opposite the counter.

He should be here soon.

My eyes connected with Eve's and I saw her wave at me. I smiled back.

I'd done a background check on Eve Miller and Boyce Truce, the two baristas who usually handled the counter. There were a few regular and part-time workers, waitresses and bakers that I'd asked Marcello to look into. Because I had no resources of my own.

All of them were clean.

Before I could think more, the door opened and in strode a tall man. My morphe red painted lips curled up slightly.

I'd like to believe that it was satisfaction I felt but I couldn't be sure.

Erex Castillo walked up to the counter, his features calm and non-threatening and yet there seemed a barrier he'd created between himself and the outside world.

He had a pleasant conversation with Eve as he waited to take his cup of milk tea. I sipped on my coffee, noting how he and Eve seemed on good terms.

I was nowhere close to hearing what they spoke of but I knew his routinely stop at Emile's consisted of the same order almost everyday.

He hadn't spotted me but I already had my opportunity.

Sunday should have been a free day for me but look where I was, following a man like a puppy. Most people would hate that.

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