why am I so fucking dumb

'what if you just ate two fucking bites' my brain taunted me.

Jake thew me on the bed, god..no, I struggled to get away from him but he pulled me back by my ankle. me landing on my butt on the floor. I let out a cry of pain.

But the part which let me speechless was a round shaped black thingy in Liam's hand. I just hope it's not some kind of stupid toys of their's.

Jake grabbed it from his hand and started walking towards me with a smirk on his face. I scooted back until I bumped into a wall. And suddenly Jake took a large step and kneeled down to a sitting position Infront of me, on the floor.

I tried to move to the other side of where Jake was, but to my luck, Liam was also standing right there. I looked Jake in the eye and then at the object in his hand.

"Do you know what this is, love?" he asked amused taking in all my emotions.

"n-no, what, what is this?" I asked, hoping it was something stupid or else I am dead.

"This right here, baby, is a vibrator" he pauses to let me take in the words that just left his mouth "This will go on your forearm, and when I will push this button on my phone, it will vibrate. The rest you'll know later"

I let out a whimper, taking in his words. "aww, is my baby scared?, it's okay, but this will not leave your arm, so you should start listening to us more" Liam said in a baby voice cupping my face.

Jake came forward grabbing my forearm and about to put that vibrator on it, tears left my eyes. no! I couldn't let this happen, if it will be on my arm, it might not leave.

So I did the only thing I could think of, I moved my feet to where I guess was Jake's crotçh, and pushed it with great force, I did it so quickly so Liam wouldn't catch up.

Jake fell back, grunting in pain, while his hand were on that area. I took my time and grabbed that vibrator, throwing it too while I got up to run to the bathroom but liam grabbed me from my neck. his arm was around my neck. with his other hand, he quickly took something out aof his pant and held it against head.

It was a fucking gun, I could feel all the air leaving my lungs. I closed my eyes, to steady my breathing. "nu-uh look at Jake, see, he is pain right?" I nodded looking at Jake "well, you're gonna experience the same kinda pain now"

Jake recovered faster that I thought he would.
(It just took more time to explain the scene, while it just happened in less than a minute)

He came to stand next to me, I couldn't prepare myself to look him in the eyes. but he lifted my chin up softly. why was he being nice to me now? I looked at him with glistening eyes. he lifted his knee up until it was in between of my legs.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "n-no no no please" I begged with my tears while my hands grabbing his knee to stop him. "why?, you kicked me and the only way I can return this, is kick you back" he said dead calmly, but I knew he isn't calm, it's just a way to kill a person slowly.

"Now you're not gonna make a single sound, or if you do, this gun will be right here, on you"

He grabbed my shoulders and kicked me hard there, Liam wasn't holding me now, so I fell on the floor, curling up and crying my heart out, I wanted to scream but I stopped myself. before I could make another sound since Liam was still holding that gun to me.

Sometime later they both left me, and locked the door behind them. only then, I screamed till my throat felt scratchy. I took a sip of water from the side table and just laid there on the floor.

~ time skip ~

After an hour or maybe two hours later, they both entered the room. Jake came to kneel beside me, picking me up bridal style and putting me on the bed, covering me with a duvet. kissing my forehead and taking a step backwards.

Liam came forward grabbed my right arm and put that vibrator on me.

I was too tired to fight. and I knew even if I will fight, I'll only get myself hurt and they will eventually do what they said they will.

"There you go" Liam said  finishing up putting the vibrator on "you just wasted your time, fighting, should've let me put it on before" he said.

He grabbed me face in his large bony hand, and turned my head, so I'll look at him. My face was stained with dry tears, I could feel it, my nose was blocked. His eyes softened looking at me. but he didn't said anything.

It looked like he wanted to say so many things, but didn't said any. He just looked at me and then at my lips, me knowing he's going to kiss me, I don't know why but I bit my lower lip.

And he slammed his lips against mine, and my body jolted up. he sucked and nibbled my lip for so long when finally he demanded the entrance, I didn't gave him and without trying to hurt me, so I will open my mouth and he'll take my kiss just like Jake did. He just pulled away from me, and I gasped for air while wiping my lips from the back of my hand.

what the fuck did just happen?

Hey first of all love you guys so much for 16k reads,
I love you guys so fucking much

second of all I'll be hella busy,
don't expect an update soon,
maybe next update will come and then it'll be hard to post.

so sorry but I will try to update as soon as I am settled cause going in a new country which is completely different and settling in it, is so busy, but I won't ever forget you guys, and will come back to post this. love you!❤️

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