Shrugging the boy, looked away. "Nothing of importance, that's why I had to remind him to think before speaking." he murmured. He hadn't told his friends about Lupin being his godfather yet, its not that he was ashamed, it was just.. He wanted to protect the relationship without it getting out to the whole school. It meant a lot to him to finally have a parental figure, and he was afraid of losing it. It did mean the secrets he was keeping from Alix and Lucas were slowly stacking up once again.

"Right.." she sighed, rolling her eyes as she got the sense he was keeping things from her again.

Pausing as he took in her tone, before looking at her. "I'm sorry, Al.. It was just more of the same shit about pure bloods again, comments on Hermione and other non pure-bloods. Typical things you'd expect." he lied, hoping it would suffice for now.

She studied her friend before nodding, "Ok." she muttered, though seeing Cedric enter the hall made her frown change into a smile as he approached her.

As Cedric beside the girl, wrapping a strong arm around her. "Good morning." He grinned, placing a small kiss to her cheek. "All ready for the game?" He asked them, looking up at Elijah, clearly not reading the room.

Faking a smile Elijah nodded, "Always." he murmured, turning to give Lucas a kiss. "See you after the game. I'm going to go get ready." he hummed, getting up from his seat and heading towards the Slytherin changing rooms. If he was being honest, he just needed to shut off from everything for a minute and recenter himself without it feeling like everyones eyes were on him. It was no secret that he had scouts at his game today and that it was the last really chance they'd get to evaluate his performance. No pressure.

It didn't take him long to get to the changing rooms and get ready, a little too early but it was a mixture of excitement and worry making a storm of butterflies inside his stomach. He was pacing the room when he heard a knock, looking to the door to find his father leaning in the doorway. The kid in Elijah wanted to feel comfort in the fact that his father was there, hoping he'd come to give advice or kind words, but the realist in him knew the real reason, still.. It was always a glimmer of hope that let him down.

"Elijah, do you mind if we have a word?" James hummed, stepping into the room.

He wondered how long his father had stood there, but chose not to linger on the thought, simply nodding at the question and moving to sit on the bench under his locker. It seemed like the kind of talk he should be sat down for.

"Do you know why we are having this conversation?" His father asked simply, standing opposite the boy.

There was the let down, the snap in his chest that he felt each and every time. Why he still did it to himself he didn't know. "I have an idea." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest, he felt like a child again.

"How many times are we going to have to have this conversation until it sinks in?" James questioned, his voice steady and firm.

"Couldn't tell you, dad." he replied, not bothering to look up, he already knew the look of disappointment his father was wearing.

James drew in a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose with his other hand on his hip. "Why can't you just be more like your brother? We don't have these issues with Harry. Perhaps its the company he keeps-"

"No." Elijah stopped his father from finishing the sentence, "No, don't even dare finish that sentence."

"Then tell me what it is, Elijah. Because I don't hear of Harry getting into fights, or getting into half as much trouble as you seem to find yourself in." James protested, eyes glaring at his son.

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