Jayden parks the car and the smell of greasy food and the sound of rides and children's laughter instantly let me know where we are. I take my seatbelt off and open the car door. I grab Jayden's hand and pull him toward the admission booth.

"I love the fair." I say as we stand in line.

"I was hoping that you would."

After paying our way in- well Jayden pays and I get upset- we get the wrist bands. Going to the first ride I see, I hug him. We go on many rides before Jayden suggest that we eat.

"Can I get two hotdogs and one large fri?" I tell the man at the booth.

"Sure thing, hot stuff." he winks.

"I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't flirt with my girlfriend, especially since I'm standing here." Jayden wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Please nigga. She probably don't even want yo ass anymore." he turns his head towards me, "My shift ends in about fifteen minutes, maybe you should come by later and you can hang with a real man."

"Nigga please. I got a real man right here next to me. I suggest you get my damn food and his before I embarrass your stupid ass." I snap on him.

"Fine then bitch. We could've had a good time."

Jayden grabs the boy by his collar and brings him close to his face, "If I was you I would apologize to the lady, fo you get yo damn teeth knocked down your fucking throat."

"Bitch you ain't gone do-"

Before he finishes his sentence, Jayden punches him in the face. When he lets go of the boy, the boy is holding his bloody nose. Jayden takes my hand and we go to another food booth.

"Thanks for doing what you did." I kiss his cheek.

"It's not a big deal, you're my girlfriend and no one, and I mean no one, will disrespect you when I'm around."

We get our food from another booth and sit down to eat. We go to another booth and we get fried Oreos, caramel and candy apples, and these different flavored slushies.

"I want that." I say as we walk past a game booth.

"What?" he stops.

"That big white tiger." I point to it.

"I'll see if I can win it for you."

"You would?"

"Yep, let's go."

"Step right up! Step right up and win a prize!" the man at the game shouts.

"How much?" Jayden asks.

"Normally three dollars, but for the beautiful lady, one dollar." the man takes the dollar. "Five shots, pick from the first row, fifteen shots, pick from the second row, twenty-five or more, pick from the last row. You have a minute. Start."

The minute is soon up and we find out that Jayden has made thirty shots. I tell the man that I want the big, white tiger and he gets it down for me.

"Thank you Jayden." I hug him and the tiger at the same time.

"Your welcome. What have you named it?"

"Her name is Jayda." I kiss the tiger's head.

"Why Jayda?"

"You and her both names are spelled J-A-Y."

"Aww, you named her after me." he gives me a peak on my lips.

"Yep, now let's get home. I have a little Bandit to take care of."

Jayden takes me home and I invite him inside. I take Bandit outside to use the bathroom and put Jayda on my bed. I decide to watch some T.V. so I turn on The Walking Dead.

"Oh, I love this show."

"Angie does too. In fact let me call her."

"Hello?" Angie answers.

"Hey, what you doing?"

"Nun, just sitting at home. What about you?"

"At home watching the Walking Dead with Jayden."

"Oh, tell him I said hey."

"Why don't you just come over?"

"Are you sure, I don't want to cock-block."

"Girl, I've done spent three days with this boy, come on over here. I miss my bae."

"Hey, I thought I was your bae?" Jayden looks away from the T.V.

"No, Angie will forever and always be bae."

"I'll be right over." Angie says through the phone, hanging up.

Ten minutes into an episode, Angie walks inside my door. Angie has a key to my house and I have a key to hers. She sits on my lap and I wrap my hands around her waist.

"I like how you take my girlfriend." Jayden playfully says.

"She may be your girlfriend, but she's my wife. I'm the one she comes home to." Angie kisses my cheek.

"Well, I'm fine with girl on girl action. As long as I get to watch." Jayden speaks.

"Shut up!" Angie and I punch him at the same time.

"Shit that hurt!" Jayden rubs his arm.

"Just shut up and watch the show." I smile.



Making my way down town
Walking fast
Paces past and I'm homebound

Sorry guys, I am watching White Chicks as I write this.

To the important part of today the QOTC

What's your favorite restaurant?

I love Olive Garden. The breadsticks are aMAZing and the endless salad. Don't even get me started on their actual food and desert.

Dreamers, keep dreaming

I love you all


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