"How's your mom?"

"She's good, I called my aunt today."

"Are you ready to go?"

"Let me get my purse then we can."

After she gets her purse, we leave. I open her car door for her and then I get into the driver's seat.

"Do you have on a swim suit?"

"Yep." she lifts her shirt up, "Where are we going?"

"You have to wait and see."

"Uhh, your mean."


"You won't let me know where we're going."

"I just like to surprise you." I look at her.

"Well, since you won't let me know where we are going, I get to pick the music station."

"That's fair."

The radio comes on and some song about not being tired comes on. I actually like the song. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel along to the beat.

"You like this song?"

"Yeah, it's catchy."

"Ok, you don't say anything with Kevin Gates in it is catchy." she laughs.

"Then what do I say?"

"That it's yo shit."

"Well, that's my shit." I laugh.

Just before we get to where I'm taking her, I stop and have her put on a blindfold. It isn't easy.

"Why do I need to be blindfolded?"

"So it can be more of a surprise."

"I don't want to be blindfolded unless we're in a bedroom." she smirks.

My face reds, "Please just put it on."

"Only because you're flustered." she agrees.

I put the blindfold on her and help her into the car. I shut her door and get into my seat.

"Don't worry I'm here." I shut my door.

"I wasn't. If I end up dead my friends and dad know that I was with you."

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've got Dandy to help me."

"Don't you bring that bitch up."

"Ok, Ok. I'm sorry."

I take the last few minutes to drive to the place we're going to. I park the car and get the bags from the trunk, before helping her out. I grab her purse and set her in a spot.

"I hear kids, where are we?"

"Five, four, three, two, one!" I rip the blindfold off of her.

"You brought me to Carowinds?" she smiles at me.

"Yeah, do you like it?"

"Are you kidding me? I've always wanted to come here. Hurry up before the lines get longer." she pulls my arm.

I pay for our way in, with lots of disagreement from Evangeline. Tricking her is how I get to pay for it. The first rides we go on are dry ones. After riding most of those, we decide to ride all of the water based ones.

"Are you thirsty or hungry?" I hold her hand.

"Yeah, but I need to use the bathroom first."

"Me too."

We use the bathroom then I take her to a food stand. I get a burger and fries with a Coca-Cola and Evangeline gets the same thing as me, but a Pepsi instead.

"Pass me the ketchup." Evangeline eats a fri.

"Here you go. Are you having fun, Evangeline?"

"Yeah. Why do you call me my whole name instead of E.V.?"

"That's a nickname that you gave yourself, if you want me to call you something else I want to pick the name out."

"Then pick one out. If you pick one out for me, I'll pick one out for you."

"How about strawberry?"

"Why strawberry?"

"Almost everything you get has strawberries in it or is strawberry flavor."

"I like it. Now a name for you." she puts her hand under her chin. "Teddy."

"Why Teddy?" I laugh.

"Because, on the outside you look like a tough guy, but inside your my soft teddy bear."

"Well, we have about an hour left before you have to go home to take care of Bandit." I grab her hand.

We ride the rest of the rides before going to my car. We take many pictures on both her phone and mine. In the car I hold her hand as I drive back to her house.

"I had a great time today." Evangeline says.

"I did too."

"What do I have to wear tomorrow?"

"Comfortable clothes. That means no heels."

"Alright." she turns the radio on.

The rest of the ride is spent in a comfortable silence with the radio playing in the background. I pull into her driveway and walk her to her door.

"Bye, strawberry."

"Bye, teddy." she brings her lips down on mine.

The kiss starts off slow at first, but then it builds up. I have one hand placed on the back of her neck, while the other is placed on her waist. She puts her hands in my hair, tugging.

I moan into her mouth squeezing her hip causing her to gasp. I take that time to slip my tongue into her mouth. It seems like hours, buts it's really only a few seconds.

Breaking from the kiss, I run kisses down her neck to her collar bone. Hearing her moan just makes it so much better. I place my hands under her butt and lift her up.

"Ok, that's enough for one night." a voice is heard.

Placing Evangeline on the ground we look in the doorway and see her dad. The door is open and he's looking at us with amusement all on his face.

"I'm sorry sir." I speak, my face red with embarrassment.

"There's no need to be sorry. Cupcake here is seventeen, turning eighteen in a few months, she needs to do some grow up things. Sex is completely different."

"Daddy, that's enough."

"Now if I find out you take my baby girls innocence, while she lives under this roof, I will shoot you."


"Yes, sir. I have to get home now. Bye Mr. Williams, bye strawberry."

"Bye teddy."



Watching shows from when my mama was a kid is so much fun.

Anyway, we have more important matters like


If you won ten million dollars, what would you do with it?

I would give half of it to the homeless and other charities. The rest would go towards my college fund, help my family, and be saved for my kids and life later on.

To my beautiful Dreamers,

I love you


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