"Well, not everyone can be a twelve inch." Peanut laughs.

"That's what I tell her every time I put it down on her." I hug Angie.

"I love you." She kisses my cheek.

"I love you too." I kiss her cheek as the bell rings.

Angie is not only my best friend, she's my sister. I love that girl to death. Sure we yell at each other but we get over it quickly. You know when girls are best friends, because they act gay together. Like how Angie and I act.

"Hey E.V." Dominique says as I sit down.

"Hey Dom. What's up?

"Nothing much. What are you doing today?"

"After school my boyfriend is picking me up and we're going to spend the whole weekend together." I smile at him, "What about you?"

"Nothing. I was going to see if you wanted to hang, but it seems like you already have plans."

"Dom, I told you that I have a boyfriend. So even if I didn't have plans today I still wasn't going to hang with you alone."

"Why not? What's wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you, but you like me and hanging with you would be disrespectful to my boyfriend."

"To be honest, I don't think you have a boyfriend. I think your just rejecting me in a easier way." Dom looks at me.

"Well, I'm not. If I wanted to reject yo ass I wouldn't do it nicely."

"Evangeline, Dominique, is there something you want to share with the class?" Mr. Rhyme looks at us.

"No, sir." I speak.

At lunch I call my daddy and tell him about hanging out with Jayden today and the rest of the week. He tells me that I can go with Jayden, but I have to come home and do some things first. The rest of the school day passes by and I am outside waiting on Jayden. I wait for about ten minutes, until I see his silver Lexus pull up.

I open the door, "Hey."

"Hey, are you ready to spend the day together?"

"I am, but I called my daddy and he said that I have some things to do at home before I go anywhere."

"Ok, that's fine."

"And this way, I can pick up some clothes." I put my seatbelt on.

"Nope, because your not going to know want to wear."

"I will if you tell me."

"I will not." he pulls into my driveway.

We get out of the car and head inside. My daddy is sitting on the couch watching T.V.

"Hey daddy." I kiss his cheek.

"Hey cupcake. Hey Jayden."

"Hey, nice to see you again sir."

"So what is it that you need me to do?" I take my heels off.

"I need you to go to your room real quick."

"Ok?" I walk to my room.

I walk in and I see a box on the floor. It has holes in it and it's light in weight. I bring it to the front room and look at my daddy.

"What's this?"

"Open it and see."

I open the box and a small yorkie terror is sitting in the box. It's black and has a small silver spot on top of his head. I pick it up and he fits into the palm of my hand.

"He's so cute." I pet the puppy.

"I got him for you today. All you have to do is take care of him."

"Thank you daddy." I hug my daddy, "I'll leave him in the bathroom, since I'm leaving."

"That's fine. Take your key cause I'm going to work a double. I got him a water bowl and some food in the kitchen."

"Don't forget to name him." Jayden pets the puppy.

"I want to name him Bandit." I hug the puppy.

"Yip! Yip!" the puppy wags his tail.

"Keep him in the bathroom while we're gone so he won't use the bathroom anywhere else in the house." my dad goes to his room.

After giving Bandit some food and water I put him in the bathroom. I grab an old pillow and lay it down in the bathroom for him to lay on. I put my heels back on. Telling my daddy bye, Jayden and I head out of the house.



My girl cat is so sneaky. I looked for her for an hour and couldn't find her, and once I sat down she comes out and I still have no idea where she was.

You all know what time it is

That's right it's QOTC time

What's your favorite subject in school?

I love math. Most people hate it but I love it and it comes easy to me. Also math is the same in every country. By that I mean, that adding two plus two is still going to be four over here and over in Europe or anywhere else in the world.

Have fun Dreamers



Taraji P. Henson as Robin

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