- Coriolanus Snow catch up -

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A catch up for Coriolanus Snow (not old Snow) in all the previous chapters even though no one requested it, just all the people on tiktok

How you met:
You met either because you were his classmate in the academy and his desk partner (like Clemmie) or you were his tribute that he was chosen to mentor.
His first thought about you if you were his tribute was probably:
'That's my tribute? Wow, I got an actually good-looking one. Oh no do I have to talk to them? How am I going to be able to do that without seeming nervous? Okay I need to stop of course I won't be nervous, they need to win and that's what matters.'

How he acts with a crush:
You would probably not tell that he has one, he would act so relaxed (maybe too chill) around you even if on the inside he is overthinking everything you say and taking the worst possible way. The only way you would know is because I think he'd unintentionally say flirty stuff to you but you could probably just brush it off as his charisma.

Your trope:
Second chance love
I think this would definitely be you both, dependant on whether your his tribute or his peer it changes but here is how I see it. If your his peer, he'd probably date you for a while and then break up with you, maybe because of Lucy Gray but probably because of his paranoia and him overthinking something. If your his tribute however, you'd only start to admit your feelings just before you go in the games, so when you survive you get another chance at love.

How he asks you out:
If your his Capitol peer he'd asked you out before the games, but if your his tribute he'd officially ask you out when he gets admitted to the peacekeepers. He would seem cool and collected on the outside but on the inside he is searching every movement and face you make to see for any ingenuity but when he cannot find any he'd be so happy, just he'd try to not show it.

Dating him would include:
- Constantly reassuring him because he overthinks everything

- Him always admiring you

- ^ So he compliments you all the time so you know exactly what he thinks

- Him doing the most to protect you like he'd kill just so your safe and okay

- Tigris adoring you and convincing Grandma'am to somewhat like you too

- He'd get Grandma'am to cut some of her flowers so he can give them to you

- ^ He'd constantly be tucking flowers behind your ear whenever he can

- Him being quite possessive over you (if your not into that just ignore this one)

- Don't take him to the countryside, he'll lose his mind without the AC

- Him being so fascinated by anything your interested in, especially if it's something your so passionate about

- You constantly being on the forefront of his mind

- I can imagine him leaving love letters for you whenever he feels like it so he can express exactly how he feels without chickening out

- He'd find it so comforting if you played with his hair especially while cuddling

- Him being such a gentleman to you; holding open doors, pulling back your seat, etc

- ^ If you do anything gentleman-like in return he'd get so flustered and maybe even blush about it

- ^^ It's so rare he blushes so it means you've really flustered him

What he admires most about you:
He admires how trusting you are, he acknowledges this could get you hurt which is the thing he doesn't want happening to you at all. But he admires how you trust others and how easily others trust you and wishes he could trust people the way he does.

Your district, faction and job:
Hunger Games district: The Capitol
Divergent faction: Erudite (The intelligant)
Job in the Glade (Maze Runner): Slicer (Raise livestock)

Petnames for each other:
What you call him: Coryo
Throughout the book and the movie, people call him this when they love him (mainly with Tigris and she stops calling him this at the end of the film) so I think you'd call him this to show your love for him.
What he calls you: Sweetheart
I'm aware this is the complete opposite of what he actually is but you wouldn't know that so you'd call him this as you think he is a genuinely good guy who is just looking out for his family.

His love language:
You cannot convince me that his main love language isn't gift giving because it definitely is, I mean he gives Lucy Gray his prized possessions to not only help her win but to show how much he loves her so he would definitely do the same to you, even if he shouldn't because of his money problems. I think that acts of service is a close second as at first one of his motives is to try and save Tigris and Grandma'am from debt so he'd do anything to help you like that

He would never admit it, but he gets jealous really often as whenever he sees you with someone he deems as 'competition' he always overthinks the worst possible scenario that could come out of you talking to them but you always come back to him so he doesn't mind.

His favourite place to kiss you:
On your shoulder is the vibes I get, he'd like how he can kiss you there so often like when your cuddling, hugging, even just when your standing in front of him, he loves it. He'd even do it if you've got clothes covering your shoulder, just he'd emphasis the smooch sound so you can really hear that he just kissed you.

How you sleep:
I think he'd always have some sort of protective hold on you whenever you guys sleep. So he'd be cuddling onto you like a koala whereas your sleeping how you normally do, or if you choose to cuddle him back he'd think its so cute and before going to bed would leave an affectionate kiss on your forehead.

He has a nightmare:
I awake to frantic gasps next to me, as well as the bed covers being thrown off me with the sound of it hitting the floor. Confused, I sit up to see my boyfriend, shirtless, covered in sweat seeming to be panicking despite being asleep, his arms flailing around as he thrashes.

'Coryo.' I say firmly, reaching out to shake his shoulder to wake him
'Coryo.' I repeat, a bit louder, still shaking his shoulder, as he continues to thrash in his slumber. About to repeat his name, I lean over, taking my hand off his shoulder, reaching  to lightly slap his face as he shoots up into a sitting position, startling me away from him. He frantically gasps for air, his hands brushing through his hair shakily as his eyes focus on the lap, he seems deep in thought.

Slowly, I reach out and gently put my hand on his shoulder, he jumps a bit startled but then tackles me into a hug, not crying but shaking like a leaf in my hold. I pull him down into a laying position as I hold him in a comfortable silence, while I run my fingers through his hair.
'Do you want to talk about it?' I ask him softly as he shakes his head a 'no' so I nod, deciding to not pry him for information and continue to comfort him until he falls asleep once more, me soon after knowing he will be okay until morning

It really depends on where he is but if he is somewhere he doesn't care about being professional then he'd have so much PDA so he can show everyone how you are his and no one can touch you but him. Whereas, if he is in the academy he would refuse to do like any PDA, only lowkey ones, because he doesn't want anyone seeing him soft except you and instead he wants to be seen as serious.

How protective he is:
Anyone who doesn't think he is the most protective person ever is wrong because there is no way he isn't. He would do everything in his power to protect and would kill for you, he'd probably spiral if you were hurt or anything, thinking it's his fault for not protecting you properly.

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