>•> Your trope

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The relationship trope I think they'd have with their partners (aka the reader)

Hunger Games:
Katniss Everdeen-
Forced proximity
I think this is self explanatory if you've ever seen even just the first hunger games film. Basically she only really spoke to you and got to know you because of the forced proximity between you that the game forced but she didn't fall in love because of the games and the act you both played she genuinely began to love you after getting to know you and sharing the experience together even if it was a horrible one.

Peeta Mellark-
Clearly in love x Oblivious to it
I think this is so Peeta even if you don't meet because of the games. I think his love for anyone he sees in a romantic way would be so obvious, he would go out of his way to do tasks for you just to help you, compliment you all the time, try to hang out with you as much as he can. But I think it'd be cute if you were oblivious to it and he had to make it so obvious just so you'd realise.

Finnick Odair-
Belated love epiphany
This one makes so much sense in my head like you were both definitely crushing on each other before the games and he was definitely in love with you beforehand just he refused to accept it. Not because he doubted your ability to win the games but because it would be harder for him to accept your death if you did die in it or if you didn't reciprocate. However when you survived and relied on him to comfort you he had to admit it otherwise he wouldn't feel complete.

Johanna Mason-
Acts like she hates them but is in love
I think this one is so her and fits how I think you'd meet in the first chapter. Johanna wouldn't want to get you hurt by loving like she did with all of her family, so she'd act like she hates you not just to troll the capitol into not hurting you but to fool herself since she hopes these feelings would go away. In the end though, she realises she can't deny her feelings for that long and ends up giving in to them.

Beatrice Prior-
Falls for someone but that someone is already in love
I don't have much backstory for this but I think it's cute if you guys were like Jim and Pam from the office. Tris probably fell in love with you when you both joined dauntless but you had another girlfriend or boyfriend that she thinks (and you may be) very in love. It takes a while and possibly a lot of tragedy but eventually everything would turn out okay and you'd get together.

Four / Tobias Eaton-
Secret dating
Since Four is meant to be your leader, testing to see if your meant for dauntless or not, you both decided to date in secret as to not make it weird and make any of your peers (or Eric) assume this means you'll get favourited because of it. Eventually I think Eric would learn about it and you'd be a bit more open, not telling your peers until you finish training though.

Rivals to lovers
Since you were both peers during dauntless training and were competing to pass the tests and get into the dauntless ranks I'd say you were both like rivals, no matter how friendly you were you always know your competing. Soon enough though not even the competition could stop you both gaining crushes and you ignored the rivals rule for a while.

Doesn't want love but falls anyway
I think this is how your trope would go. Eric doesn't want love, at least he doesn't think he wants love as he believes that if people see him being all mushy and affectionate with someone it'll ruin the rough appearance he has built and no one will listen to him or respect him. But when he met you he could not help him, he just fell in love and he fell hard.

Maze Runner:
They fell first x he fell harder
While I think Thomas would've fallen for you fairly quickly I believe the reader saw something about Thomas that attracted them beforehand. But when you began hanging out and getting to know each other more, Thomas fell hard and his crush was wild. Chuck definitely teases him for falling so hard for you but he can't help it.

Best friends to lovers
I didn't intend for this to also be the Newtmas trope but I think whoever Newt begins dating would've already been his closest friend beforehand. I think you would've been best friends because you'd have crushes on each other but acted like you didn't because you were scared to ruin the friendship so whoever did the first move did it at a very unexpected moment.

In love but doesn't realise it
I think it's cute to think that you and Minho were so close and basically acted like a couple before you got together and were already so in love but didn't realise it. It definitely would've annoyed all the other gladers seeing it but it's what makes the first move so special because it's like your moment of realisation.

Second chance love
I don't mean this trope in a way that your together then break up then get together once more, I mean it like you guys were a thing in the glade and were so close and you tried to stand with him whatever happened but when you had the decision between leaving the glade or staying with him you decided it was time for you to finally leave and that's where you saw him (SPOILER) die. When I say second chance I mean that for the whole time you were in WICKED and escaping you assumed he was dead and gave up any idea that you'd be together again until it turned our (OTHER SPOILER) that he was alive the whole time and you got together again.

Slow burn
I apologise to all the Brenda lovers who wanted something like everyone else because it'll take a long time for you and Brenda to start actually realising your feelings. I think you'd both brush off your actions and feelings as something friends do until you realise your crushes and even then it'd take longer for you both to take any action on them. But when you guys do trust me it'd be so cute.

Forbidden love / Secret dating
This one makes a lot of sense to me, I think Teresa causing the ending made a lot of people resent her, in fact Alby made that rule that no one is to touch her so when you begin to get feelings for her you try to stop yourself because your not meant to feel that way about her. So it takes a lot from both of you to take the next step because your scared what'll happen if you break the rule and when you do it's in secret so you don't get in trouble until you escape the maze.

A/N: The reunion for Gally's trope would be such a sweet scene like the happiness in that imaginary scene would make me melt.

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