>•> What they admire most about you

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What the characters admire most about you and why they do!

Hunger Games:
Katniss Everdeen-
Your kindness
She appreciates your kindness and how you automatically help others in need even when you don't have to. She admires it a lot and thinks your such a good person because of and usually aspires to be as kind as you.

Peeta Mellark-
Your bravery
Peeta really admires your bravery because he is always doubting himself so seeing you doing stuff that could have bad consequences just because there is a chance that the result could be good is so inspiring to him. He tries to be as brave as you and it usually works if he thinks of you (I think that's so cute so here)

Finnick Odair-
Your perseverance
Finnick loves how persistent you are, how in bad times you always see the positives and try to survive all the bad stuff just so you can get to the light at the end of the tunnel. He knows your not always happy about bad things he just admires how you can appear that way to not panic others.

Johanna Mason-
Your patience
She admires how patient you are, I mean you waited ages for her to finally come to terms with her feelings and then even longer for her to admit them and even then, your still so patient with her. Her, on the other hand, has a short temper so she finds it so inspiring how you can keep calm for so long.

Lucy Gray Baird-
Your trustworthyness
As she says, she most values trust, more so than love and therefore it takes a lot for her to trust people, which may sometimes leads to her shutting people out because she doesn't trust them. You, however, trust people so easily which could be bad or good but she still admires it nevertheless because of the love that grows from your trust.

Beatrice Prior-
Your honesty
She admires how honest you are, (ignore if your a liar) how despite how bad what you may have done is, you'll still admit it, whether your admitting so you don't feel guilty or to genuinely help the people you wronged she doesn't really care, just the fact you'll even say your wrongs is inspirational to her.

Four / Tobias Eaton-
Your selflessness
As much as he may also hate it, he admires how selfless you are and how you'll give yourself up just to please other people. As I said he also hates it because it tends to get you hurt, but when your intentions were simply as pure as to help others, he is so inspired because your so giving.

Maze Runner:
Your humour
He finds that a lot of people in the glade or the scorch aren't usually as humorous because they have no hope. So the fact, even if you have little hope, you still make jokes to make yourself and others laugh is so admirable to him because he sometimes can't bring himself to do that.

Your selflessness
The fact you will get hurt, broken, just generally pained to help others with no regard to what happens to you is so admirable to him because he is so tired of selfishness others have. Obviously it also scares him because he doesn't want you getting hurt but the fact your more concerned over others is what he admires.

Your hope
A lot of gladers have lost hope, especially the runners which he surrounds himself with, so the fact that your still hopeful to everyones' escape is so admirable to him. Especially because when he is surrounded by people who believe the running is futile, you being so hopeful is so motivating and inspirational to him.

Your understanding
Gally admires how you try to understand everything around you, even if it seems bad on the outside, especially him. On the outside, everyone seems him as some stupid bully who went mad, but you see past the surface level looks and appreciate him for who he is on the inside and he admires that a lot because he is aware he wouldn't be as understanding as you in your situation.

Your determination
She is so inspired by your determination to get to peace and paradise away from WICKD. While everyone is determined, she finds they don't have the same drive as you and she is really inspired by you pushing yourself to your limits just to get what you need and to help others.

Your perceptiveness
Teresa loves how perceptive you are, how you don't see stuff at surface level like her and see the reasons behind it. She especially realises how inspirational she finds it when she (SPOILER) betrays everyone and reveals their location to WICKD but you think about how she is just a teenage girl trying to help her friends rather than a monster trying to hurt them like how everyone else sees her.

A/N: Sorry I've changed this from what it previously was: 'how they would act in a relationship' I just think I've already answered that in the previous chapters and basically only spoke about protectiveness which I think deserves it's own chapter so it was pointless to still have.

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