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Knox POV...

All I hear is the pounding of my feet against the treadmill. Not looking down at the control panel, trying to keep a steady pace and not get ahead of myself, so I can keep my breathing even. The view in front of the glass window is amazing. All the lights starting to become visible as the day comes to an end. The sky going from blue to purple. I bet Josie is looking at it also from the car window since Alice texted me that she is on the way to drop Josie off.

Josie and Alice's daughter, Mia, have known each other since they were in daycare at two years old. They are both six, almost seven. Alice would always bug me asking when we could all get together and have a play date. She wanted to get to know me and try to subtly ask me out. I immediately turned her down, I still wasn't over Josie's mom even if she left us three months after Josie was born.

Alice is a pretty woman, with her short blonde hair and light brown eyes. But I have never seen anything past physical attraction to her. She has been divorced since before her daughter was born, so as she put it she is 'out on the hunt' . And I'm not interested in being her prey. She tries to hit on me any chance she can get, so after awhile I would pretend she wasn't, just to try and not make it awkward.

I breathe heavily as I sprint as fast as I can for one minute straight. Listening to just my breathing and the sound of the machine. Once I'm done with the treadmill I turn it off and see I ran 7.94 miles. Running has always been, besides lifting weights, which today is leg day.

I take a sip of water when I get smacked on the back making the water go all over my black tank. I know exactly who it is. My younger cousin, Theo. Short for Theodore. No one is ever allowed to call him Theodore, not even his old girlfriends were allowed too. No one knows why but Theo, he has never revealed why he won't let anybody.

"What the actual hell was that for?" I ask him as I turn around and smack him on the side of the head. He brings his hands to his head and tries to give me that stupid pitiful act he does. Not buying it.

"I was just messing with you, relax dude... hey where is Josie she usually is trying to run beside you on the other treadmill?" He asks while still rubbing his head. Theo and Josie have a love/hate relationship. Usually it's Theo with the love, and Josie with the hate on most days. I shake my head at him while a smile creeps on my face of the mention of my daughter.

"She's out with Mia.... and the mom." I say to him as I grab the towel I left on a bench so I can dry off. I pick up my water bottle again and take a quick sip of it, making sure Theo isn't coming close to it.

"Oh so she's with Alice, Ms. I'm in love with Knox.... Ms. Why don't you wine, dine, and take me from behind Knox." Theo says with a girly voice while pretending to spin his pretend blonde hair. "Shut up," I grumble to him I don't want to hear anymore of this. I rub my hand over my face starting to get a headache from his antics.

"That's never going to happen.. like ever. She is the last person I want to go on a date with, especially with hearing what the other mothers have said about her at Josie's school." I say as I start to walk towards the water fountain to refill my water bottle. Now I don't believe every word those women have said, but I do believe what they have told me about how she treated her ex-husband. It's safe to say, I will never go on a date with her.

"She should be dropping Josie off soon, she said around 7:10... What time is it Theo?" I ask as I go to get a dry clean shirt out of my gym bag. I pull the wet one over my head and shove it into a small compartment so I can wash it later. I pull the clean dark grey shirt over my head as Theo pulls his phone out of his Pocket. His dark brown eyes trained on his phone before he trains them on me.

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