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  "Oh okay... hi Josie... you're kind of.... Crushing me.." I laugh out the last words as she squeezes me to death. It's like a friend that you haven't seen in years hugging you, but with Josie this is the second time I'm meeting her.

It doesn't matter to me, this girl is a sweetheart. And cool. Josie is really cool, especially after her and her dad helped me. Wait? Where is Knox? I haven't seen him around the rink, who did she come with?

  "Wren how are you? I missed you.. when can we smash another car? These two girls at school are really getting me going, so I have some anger to let out.. y'know?" She looks at me as she tilts her head to the side. Her big doe eyes staring right into mine; she looks like a puppy you can't say no to.

"Hopefully smashing more cars won't be happening anytime soon..." I look at her laughing at how disappointed she was with that answer. She rolls her eyes and gives me a smile; it doesn't look real but I'll take it.

"Okay I'm getting up now... you going to help me?" I ask her while feeling super mischievous but not trying to show it. She takes my hand to attempt to help me up but as soon as I felt her grip going around my hand I pulled her down with me.

After a few seconds of her laying on the ground beside me I look to my right and we burst out laughing. We hasn't been laughing for more than 10 seconds when I hear this voice getting closer and closer to us. We look up at the same time to see a petite dirty blonde wearing all purple. And I mean all purple.

"Excuse me why would you do that? She isn't your child you can't just yank her around." This small girl says while putting her hands on her hips. I stand up and immediately grab Josie's hands to help her up. She slips a few times having me go to grab her tighter but she whacks my arms away before I can full on catch her.

"I'm good Wren, I'm good... Alice this is my friend Wren." She tells the small woman while whispering something under her breath.. I couldn't quite hear it so I try to get her attention to ask her what she said, but she is glaring at the woman.

"No need to be mean to her, I was the one who tackled her," Josie says while smirking my way, she doesn't regret her actions one bit.

I look back over at... Alice? And I have to move my head down a bit since I'm a good 7 inches taller than her. I stick out my hand to her so I can shake hers and tell her I wasn't harming the little Josie, but all she does is look at me, almost like she is examining me.

"Okay then... um I'm gonna head out of the rink now to see where my sisters went." I say looking back and forth between Josie and the examiner.
I start to skate away when I hear little feet trying to keep up with me. Josie.

  I don't even have to turn around to know it's her, and know that she left Alice in the dust.
   "Yes Josie?" I ask with my back still to her as I start to step out of the rink. I turn around when she doesn't answer me to see that she is about 3 feet from me panting loudly.

   I quirk my brow at her when she starts to breathe normally again and her hands aren't on her knees, with her bent over. She looks at me and gives me the cutest little smile I've ever seen from a little girl. She's just too dang cute.

  "Josie, you have to go back to Alice since she is the one who chaperoned you here." I tell her also saying, "I also have to find my sisters in here, it's our time to go," I say as I bend down to look her in the eyes.

  "Can you teach me?" She bursts out all of a sudden while clapping. Teach her? Teach her what? I look at her questionably trying to figure out what she wants me to teacher her exactly.

   "Teach you what? What do you mean?" I say to her as I start to sit down on the bench right beside the entrance of the rink. I look up at her at the same time as I'm untying my skates. She looks at me twisting side to side almost like she's nervous.

   "To ice skate?" She says in a question. Quickly rushing out, "My Daddy is a hockey player so he's always on the ice, but I want to learn the spins and moves you did today."

  I take off my skates and start to walk over to the lockers where I stored my regular shoes. "Follow me," I say to her walking about 30 feet before I stop and open my locker.

   "You have to ask your dad about that.... Since I just met you guys I need to know that he's comfortable with me teaching you how to figure skate." I rush out as I grab my shoes and shove my feet into them, before grabbing my purse and putting the strap on my shoulder.

   She gives me a pouty face for a few seconds, before she realizes I am right about this. Smart girl. "Okay," she says then she turns around and walks away. I'm left standing there wondering if she would even bring it up to her dad. She's an interesting child. What would happen if she did talk to him and he said yes? Would I even be a good instructor? I ask myself in my head before shaking all those thoughts out.

  I reach into my purse and see a couple texts from Dahlia saying they are waiting for me in the car trying to warm up. I check the time on my Lock Screen, to see that it says 6:23. Oh. Didn't know we were here for that long. But time flies when you're on the ice.

Time flies when you're home.

I text them saying that I'm on my way out.

  Once I get to the car and open up the drivers side door, Dahlia immediately asks me if we could go to Chipotle. She knows that I would never deny Chipotle, so it's an easy yes from me.

   I look into the back seat seeing Avie play some sort of game on her phone, most likely Candy Crush. "That sound good with you Avie?" I ask her still looking at her over my shoulder.

   She nods her head and says "yup." With her face still in her phone. Okay then.

   "Chipotle, here we come."


Out of my leagueWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt