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"Where will we be going?"  I get ready to open my mouth and answer Josie to tell her we are going to my lowlife newly ex boyfriend's apartment to get my stuff back. But before I could answer, Knox jumps in.

"Well, we won't be going anywhere until we hide this car. Someone could easily call 9-1-1 and report vandalism," like I care about going to jail at the moment. They probably would let me go after I tell them why I did it.

"My step-dad will take care of it." I tell them as I bring my phone back out of my back pocket. I send my step-dad (Lee) a quick text explaining what I need him to do, and why. He never was very fond of Chase, so he won't mind doing this for me, especially when he learns what Chase did to me.

I text him the street the car is on and tell him ""you will know when you see it.""

He immediately answers telling me once again, how he never liked Chase. And how if he ever see's him again, he won't hesitate to stomp his face in. He also follows it up with telling me he is already on his way, with a, ""love you"" at the end.

I smile at the last message, texting him that I love him too.

"Okay everyone, let's go to...you know who's apartment. I have a few things to pick up. That is if you guys want to come?"  I say while looking back and forth between Josie and her Dad. I don't really expect them to come, but having moral support there would be nice. Even if I just met them. Wait, I just met them. Why am I even asking them to do this for me?

"Yes" they both say at the same time, before I can even take my offer back. They look at each other with a mischievous sparkle in their eyes. When their done, they look at me the same way. I don't know if I should be scared or excited.

I think I should be scared.


"You guys do know that you don't have to come with me. I don't want to drag you guys into even more crap," I say while looking out the passenger seat window of Knox's truck. It's a black Ford F-150. It's really nice actually, has tan leather seats that have built in warmers, that are currently keeping my butt warm. It appears to be a brand new, barely driven truck. It's too nice not to drive and show off.

I look over at Knox. I haven't really even looked at him the whole 45 minutes I have known him. He's really handsome. Black curls on the top of his head just like little Josie. Tan skin with light brown freckles going down his neck, he only has a couple on his face, on the side that I can see. But I don't doubt he has some on the other side as well . He also seems to have no tattoos, surprisingly. Me, being a tattoo apprentice, I have over fifteen tattoos. Maybe more. So, it's a shock to see such beautiful skin with no ink.

When he looks over at me on a red light, I see bright pale blue eyes. They are right on the edge of being creepy; but sorta in a beautiful way. I want his eyes. Mine are blue, but a lot darker than his. Almost black if you aren't looking closely.

"Wren," I say only now realizing I haven't told him my name. His faces scrunches up really confused by my sudden outburst.

"My name is Wren. I just realized I haven't told you yet," I tell him. I see it on his face when it clicks. He's just realizing that he didn't know my name yet. His lips twitch then break out into a gorgeous smile.

I'll have to ask him what kind of toothpaste he uses, his teeth seem unnaturally bright.

Someone clearing their throat behind me snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn to face Josie who is sitting in the seat behind Knox's.

"I didn't know your name either," Josie says to me while crossing her arms and makes a little pout with her mouth.

I laugh at her while holding my hand out.
"Hello Josie, I'm Wren it is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you very much for bashing that car in with me." I say to her while waiting for her to shake my hand.

Her face flushes with a light pink color as she breaks out into a smile. She giggles loudly while shoving her hand towards mine. I shake her hand firmly as if we just made a business deal.

I give her a little smile then turn back around to face the front.

I told Knox that Chase lived on greenwood street, which is only 7 minutes away. My nerves are getting worse by the second. I don't want to face Chase. Because then, I would have to face the hurt. The one who I trusted for years decided I wasn't enough for him.

Well, no one gets to decide whether I'm enough or not but me and the big man upstairs.

He doesn't get that power over me. But that doesn't mean what he did didn't hurt. It hurt, real bad. And it will hurt for a little bit, I know that already. But I'm ready to face it this time, unlike the last time I was badly hurt.

Last time sent me into a downward spiral. I will not, I can not let that happen again. I won't. I'm stronger than this hurt. I have to be.

"Right here," I say to Knox while pointing to a decent apartment complex. It wasn't the nicest, but it wasn't the absolute worst either. This is the apartment I helped move him into, this is the apartment we cuddled and watched movies and were happy in. Until he suffocated that happiness under his bed sheets.

Knox stops and turns into the parking lot of the old brick complex. I told him to park right in front of the staircase leading up to Chase's apartment. I want them to be able to see me when I go in their just in case anything happens.

My chest tightens and my eyes sting with pain and rage at being back here. This was going to be a lot harder than I originally thought.

Knox parks and turns to look at me being turning off the car. All I can do is stare up at the apartment door.

It's going to be so hard walking up those steps I already know.

I take in a shaky breath before I look back at Josie. She's looking at the complex with squinted eyes then she thins her lips, trying to look intimidating.

She sort of is.

She looks at me and nods her head at me. Giving me the reassurance I need. And I need a lot right now.

I nod back at her before turning to Knox. He gives me a head nod too. Probably sensing that I need that right now.

I really don't want to go up those stairs. But the sooner I get it done, the faster I can get to the tattoo shop to add more to my collection; then after stuffing my face with strawberry ice cream.

That's what gives me enough confidence to open the car door and step out to face everything.

Strawberry ice cream.

Out of my leagueOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz