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Strawberry ice cream.

Strawberry ice cream.

Strawberry ice cream.

I chant over and over again in my head to keep myself sane. I can walk in there grab my stuff and just leave. Then after, get needles put in me. And finally on my way home, stop by the store to buy me a gallon worth of strawberry ice cream.

As long as everything goes smoothly.

But knowing Chase, it most likely won't. Sadly.

I leave my spot from beside Knox's truck and slowly start to make my way to the bottom of the stairs.

I stop just as I make it to the stairs and look back. I look into the truck at both them. They nod their heads simultaneously giving me the boost I need. They have my back. Well, at least Knox does. Josie is not stepping a foot out of that truck if something starts happening. Knox won't let her. I won't let her.

I turn back to the stairs with a shaky breath. I look down at my black tied boots as I lift up my right foot to take my first step. I grab onto the railing as I continue to walk up. Slowly, but surely.

I keep looking down at my boots, along with my Jean covered legs. Underneath the jeans are my newly shaved legs. I shaved my legs for him, he didn't deserve that.

I look at my black high waisted jeans that flare at the ends, and pull at my guns and roses black crop top, with a red flannel wrapped around my waist; in case I got cold. I dressed up for him today, I did my makeup.

My makeup.

Oh, he definitely did not deserve that.

I get to the top of stairs and raise my hand to his door. 1719. His apartment number. This places brings nostalgia but also heart wrenching pain.

I swear, if that professor is still in there, I'm dragging her out and throwing her down the stairs.

I knock on the door three times waiting to hear footsteps from behind the door. After a minute and a half I finally hear the stomping of feet. Deep breaths. I tell myself while waiting for him to open the door. I have a key, but I did not want to use it, especially since the last time I used it (this morning) I walked in happy, and came out hurting.

He opens the door after what feels like forever waiting out here.

"Wre-" he tries to say, but I stop him before he can even get my name out of his mouth.

"No." I say to him with a straight face.

"Don't even say my name," I walk inside and go to get a trash bag from under the sink to put my things in.

I open the cabinet and grab a a trash bag, all while not looking at him. I cross the kitchen and go to his room that's right across the kitchen to first grab my clothes, and some of my jewelry.

I open the closed door, and thankfully that woman is no longer in his bed. But his bed is perfectly made, and I know he didn't do that.

A pang of hurt makes it up to my throat and behind my eyes. I need to get out of here fast. I stomp over to his closet and rip my clothes from the hangers shoving them into the trash bag. Some still have the hangers attached, but as of right now, I could care less.

After I shove all of my clothes into the bag I turn towards the door to where my jewelry is hanging on clips, beside of it.

Chase is standing in the doorway with his hands on either side like he's blocking me in.

I walk up to him, "move," I say not looking at his face. If I look at his face I will cry, and I don't want to cry in front him. I can't show him how much he hurt me

"No," he says right back. Okay then, I guess we have to do this the hard way.

I look into his eyes then down to his lips. His breath catches. I lean in until we are only a inch and half apart before I bring my knee up and ram it right into his groin as hard as I can.

He lets out a loud strangled cry, falling down to the ground covering his groin, like that is going to help.

I step over him to get to the hall bathroom where my toiletries are. I grab my shampoo from the shower, then my face wash and tooth brush. I can still hear him out in the hallway groaning, but not as bad. I need to get out of here before he gets up.

I grab my hairbrush and throw it in the bag. It was the last thing for me to grab in the bathroom.
I head to the couch and grab one of my throw blankets, then the wall beside the door to grab my extra pair of converse shoes.

Crap! I have to go back to his bedroom and get my favorite black leather jacket. My mom got it for me for my birthday two years ago, and it's my favorite jacket.

I turn back towards the bedroom to see that Chase is still sitting in the doorway on his knees. He's only letting out little grunts now and then. I need to be quick about this.

I walk towards the door and stop right before I reach him. I begin to walk closer to him, to try and step over him, when I hear little sniffles.

Is he crying?

"Chase?" I question him, to see why all of a sudden he's crying.

"I'm so sorry wren," he starts sobbing behind his arm as he lets out hiccups in between. His whole body is shaking due to how much he is crying.

"I cheated, I'm so sorry please, take me back, I'm sorry," you're kidding right? I say in my head. He cheated, yet, he's crying. This is so backwards.

He made the decision to cheat, but here he is, balling his eyes out and begging me to take him back. It's almost laughable.

"You're not sorry because you hurt me, you're sorry you got caught. And that doesn't count." I say as I step over hun and head straight to the closet. I see my jacket and immediately grab it off the hook, and shove it in the trash bag.

I head towards his bedroom door and step over him again. I look down to the trash bag and start tying a knot on the strings so nothing spills out, when Chase stands up.

I turn towards him to see if he has any last words to say.

"Wren, I'm sor-" before he can get that word out, I punch him in the nose as hard as I can. Christ, that hurt. I shake my hand out a few times while watching as Chase stumbles into the bathroom to check the damage. I take his key from my front pocket with my hood hand and toss it on the kitchen counter before I head for the door.

I reach the doorknob and turn it as fast as I can. I step out of his apartment with the trash bag, then slam the door behind me. I close my eyes and let a few tears fall from my eyes. I held them in so long, they cascaded down my cheeks before I could even try and stop them.

Bye Mr. Cheater.

Out of my leagueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora