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3 days later.

"I don't think you should have punched him, now it's harder for you do the tattoos," my boss Margot says to me, as she stands by the opening to my tattoo room. She's standing there watching me, judging me while eating a bag of red dorito chips.

"Eh, it will be fine it's healing now anyways," Lies. It feels like it's getting worse, it hurts so bad. I'm starting to think I broke my knuckles.
But nothing a Red Bull and ibuprofen can't fix

I finally came back to work today after having several days off. Not because I'm sad, but because my hand is killing me. But I finally came back today, doing my second tattoo of the day at only 1:32 pm.

It's a beautiful sunflower, full of color on a young girls hip. It definitely is better than the one I did before her. This guy lost a bet and had to get a carrot tattooed on his left butt-cheek. It had to be the worst tattoo I have done so far, of only 8 months as an apprentice.

My mom made me go to school to get a degree, any kind, she didn't care as long as I went. So, I majored in business, hoping to one day own my own tattoo shop.

I'm working on the stem of the sunflower when my mind wanders off to my accomplices from the other day. I haven't gotten a call or text, from either of them. I'm still not one hundred percent sure who was my phone number.

My mind steers towards Knox. I wonder what kind of tattoo Knox would get. I saw no visible tattoos, but he could have some hidden, if so, what. A dragon? A sword? I highly doubt it.

I blow a piece of my dark hair off my forehead as I put the finishing touches on this girls sunflower. Her leg jerks at a certain point so I put pressure on it to make sure she stays still. I can't mess up any tattoos, especially under Margot's watch.

I have at least 8 more months to go, if not more. She said I would only have to be an apprentice for a year and a half, that's how long she teaches apprentices. And thank goodness she pays us too. $15.55 an hour, which actually is a lot more than I thought I would get paid, or if I was even going to get paid.

I want to become a tattoo artist then later on down the road, open my own shop. It's been a dream of mine since I was 15 years old, and here I am.

"Okay, and you're done.. check it out," I say to girl while taking off my gloves and throwing them in the trash can beside the mirror. She stands up and slowly walks over to the mirror so she can get a good look at it. Her jaw drops and she moves back and forth to see the whole thing.

"I love it! Thank you so much!" She all but yells at me in this small room. I smile up at her, I'm glad she's satisfied with it, it always makes me nervous to see the clients reactions.

"It's no problem, Becky will get you up front," I say to her before standing up to clean off my station.

  I hear her and Margot leave and start spraying down the bench. I'm almost down when my phone starts to ring.

  I put down the cleaning supplies and walk over to my desk that holds all of my supplies. I lift it up and see it's Avie who's calling.

  I click the answer button immediately hoping nothings wrong.

  "Hey Avie, what's up?" I ask her while I sit down on my stool.

  "Hi Wren, I wanted to see if you would like to go to the rink with me this weekend?" She asks slowly. She rarely ever goes to the rink on the weekends, something's up.

  "Why? What's wrong?" I ask her as I hear her sigh on the other end.

"This new hockey team is taking up almost all of the time on the rink on the days I usually come here, so it's rare that I get to actually skate anymore," She says, and I can hear her voice start to tremble. Is she scared I'm going to say no? I rarely say no to either of my sisters, unless it's something reckless.

  Okay, maybe I still say yes to those things.

   "Yeah Avie, I would love to come with you. I'm not working Saturday, so it all lines up good," I tell her in a calm voice hoping it calms her down. I walk out of my little room heading towards the break room. I haven't had lunch yet, so I'm starving.

  "Thank you Wren, 3 works," she says it as a statement, not a question. I laugh at her and give her the 'okay' then she hangs up.

Avie hasn't asked me to go skating with her in months. Which is kind of surprising since we both ice skated for years when we were younger.

Maybe I should invite Dahlia? She absolutely hates ice skating, but Avie and I have managed to drag her out onto the rink a couple of times. Even though every time she ends up with a sore butt and a bad attitude, it's still fun.

I make it to the break room and head straight for the fridge. I cooked Alfredo pasta last night and I made sure I would have enough for left overs today.

I take out my bag and set it on the table and unzip it. I take out the plastic tupperware I put the pasta into. As soon as I see it I rip off the lid, only to find half of it already eaten. Oh heck no.

"Liz! I'm going to kill you!" I scream out at the other apprentice, who also happens to be my best friend here.

"I'm sorry, it looked to good not to have a bite.." she trails off from the other room. She didn't just have one bite, she had like ten.

Now I'm mad and only have half a thing of pasta left. Great.

"You owe me!" I yell back at her as I stomp to the door to make sure she can hear me.

All I wanted was my pasta.

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