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I walk down the stairs from Chase's apartment dragging the trash bag with me.

I make it all the way down the stairs when I hear him open the door again. C'mon I just want my ice cream. I turn around to see him standing at the top of the steps holding his nose, blood dripping on his hands. I cringed at the blood, but didn't regret what I did.

"Wren after this question I won't bother you again. Where is my car?" He asked me still clutching his nose.

I scoffed at him as I started walking to Knox's truck, I go to the back seats across from Josie and open the door to put my bag in.

I close the car door and go to open the passenger door when I hear Chase moving coming down the stairs. Dear heavens just go away already.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" He yells at me while picking up speed. I'm getting ready to either punch or knee him again when Knox's door opens.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Knox says to him while stepping out of the truck. He walks up to the front of his truck and leans on it while crossing his arms.

Chase stops dead in his tracks. Looking back and forth between Knox and I. His eyes go wide with anger and blame.

"Don't even think about saying it," I tell him clenching my jaw. He was going to try and turn this back around on me, and call me a cheater. I shake my head at him to let him know I'm done with his games.

"C'mon Knox, let's head back," I say to him as I turn to hop in the truck, but Knox isn't moving. He is still up against the truck staring at Chase.

"Knox c'mon let's go, my hand is killing me!" I yell out to him and he immediately turns around and hops in. We close our doors and he starts the truck.

  As we reverse out of the parking spot I role my window down and yell out, "it's at the dump, good luck with that!" I screamed behind us as we drive away. I roll the window back up with my good hand, and silently curse him in my head.


"You punched and kneed him within the couple of minutes you were in there?" Knox asks as we step out of his truck. We are back at where we destroyed the car, thankfully, it's not here anymore. I owe Lee so much.

"Why yes, yes I did," I tell both him and Josie proudly. They both give me a smile as we close the doors to his truck.

"Thank you guys so much for everything today," I say to them as I grab my phone out of my pocket to look for an Uber, the closest one is three minutes away. Perfect. I click it, so it should be here soon.

  I took an Uber to Chase's apartment this morning (I didn't feel like driving) so now I'm having to get another one to go home. Thankfully, I only live less than ten minutes from Knox's house.

"It was so awesome! I have never had so much fun," Josie exclaims while throwing her arms in the air and jumping up and down.

I laugh at her silliness. This is one cool kid, too bad I most likely won't see them again. I look at both Josie and Knox when the Uber pulls up.

"Well, my ride is here, so I guess I better get go-" before I can even finish my sentence Josie runs over to me ready to ask me something.

"Can I get your number so I can FaceTime you on my iPad?" She asks me with excitement in her eyes. Then she entangles her fingers with each other and bringing them up in a begging motion.

I look at Knox to see if he is okay with Josie getting my number. He looks me straight in my eyes and nods his head, giving me the green light. I give him a little smile.

I walk to the Uber and open the passenger door, "um.. excuse me do you happen have a pen and paper?" I ask the woman who is in the drivers side, she nods her head and starts searching around for them.

She comes up with a note pad and a red pen. I grab it from her giving her a little smile starting to write my phone number down.

"Here you go little miss, all done," I say to her as I finish writing down the last few digits. I rip off the one page from the not pad and hand it to her.

She has this weird smile on her face when I hand it to her. Almost like she is meddling in something she shouldn't.

"Well, I'll see you guys around.... Maybe," I say as I open the passenger door to my Uber's car. I throw my stuff in the back, then look over my shoulder, giving Knox and Josie a big smile. Hopefully it shows how grateful I am.

I hop in the car closing the door behind me while Josie waves me off. As we turn around to get out of the neighborhood, I look in the mirror and see Josie handing the paper to Knox and pointing at him.

Oh no, she did not just do what I think she did.

After she gave the paper to Knox she walked back towards her house, leaving him standing in the road. He looks back at her with his jaw nearly on the ground.

Oh, yes she did.

'That sneaky little kid' I think to myself as I start to feel a smile bloom on my face.

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