Chapter 2: A friend from past

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The air in the hospital room felt heavy with the scent of antiseptic, and the soft hum of medical equipment provided a constant backdrop to the slow recovery of George.

After the surgery, lying on the hospital bed, he watched as his doctor entered the room, holding a chart.

"Good morning! How are you feeling today?" Asked the doctor with a smile

"Much better, Doctor. Thanks to you" he answered.

The doctor said " I'm just doing my job. The surgery on your leg went well. You're on the road to recovery."

"Thank you. I can't express how grateful I am" said George

As he looked at the doctor, a moment of recognition flashed across his face. And he said "Wait a minute... You look familiar."

It's been a while, hasn't it? asked the doctor.

The doctor removed her surgical mask, revealing her face. George's eyes widened in realization. He exclaimed

"Sarah? Is that really you?"

"In the flesh. It's been ten years, hasn't it?" Said Sarah.

Sarah was actually an old friend of George's. They were neighbors. Her daughter and Leonard were childhood friends. She moved to New Zealand 10 years ago to her parent's place. Like George, she was also a single parent. Her husband died when their daughter was just 4 years old. She had just come back to the town with her daughter.

They shared a warm smile as they caught up. George told her how he ended up in the hospital. She was very sad to hear that.

In the evening, Leonard came running from college to the hospital as he knew today was the day of his father's surgery. He entered the room, concern etched on his face.

"Dad, how's the surgery? Is everything okay?" Asked Leonard in a shaky voice

"Your father's surgery was successful. He's doing well." said the doctor.

George introduced Sarah to his son.

"This is Dr. Sarah Hartley. She's an old friend who just moved back to town."

"Sarah Hartley? I remember you from when I was a kid! You are Jenny's mom. Where's Jenny? Is she here?" asked the surprised Leonard.

Leonard remembered her and was happy to see her after a long time.

"Small world, huh Lenny boy?

My God George, he's become so handsome.

Jenny's not here today dear, but I'll bring her tomorrow with me" said Sarah with a laugh.

The next day Leonard came to the hospital before going to college. The nurse gave him some of his father's medical reports though he couldn't understand anything in it. Sarah came to his room for George's morning evaluation. She entered the room with a big smile & accompanied by her daughter, Jennifer.

Sarah then introduced her daughter to Leonard and his father.

" Guys you remember this beautiful girl right? This is Jennifer, my daughter."

Jennifer and Leonard went to the same elementary school. She has had a crush on Leonard since then. She was really sad when she moved to New Zealand with her mother. But now that they were back, she was really happy to see her first love. She wanted to tell him right away that she loved her but she was scared because she didn't know if Leonard even remembered her.

"Wait, Jennifer? From elementary school? Is that you Jenny?" said the surprised Leonard

"Yeah, that's me Lenny." said the blushing Jennifer

She was so happy to see that Leonard remembers her and someday she could tell him about her feelings.

Sarah then told Leonard that Jennifer had joined the same college as him and asked him to help her out in college. George asked Leonard to take Jennifer to college with him today as it was her first day in college to which Leonard agreed.

Jennifer and Leonard left the hospital to walk towards the college together.

Jennifer was dancing in her mind because she finally met her Lenny was walking with him to the college. But she kept calm on the outside.

Jennifer said "It's nice that we're going to the same college. I was feeling a bit lost being new in town."

To this Leonard said "Don't worry, Jenny. You've got one friend already and that's me. You will get many more friends. I'll help you."

"Thanks. It means a lot." said Jennifer with a smile.

As they continued chatting, Jennifer was overjoyed to have reconnected with her childhood friend

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As they continued chatting, Jennifer was overjoyed to have reconnected with her childhood friend. 

Leonard, wearing a subtle smile, engaged in casual conversation.However, his thoughts betrayed his demeanor. In the depths of his mind, he was meticulously plotting his strategy to conquer his enemy.

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