✨ New Arc Begins 👇

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As Leonard embraces his newfound powers, he resolves to heed his father's advice and maintain a low profile, concealing his abilities from those around him for the next year. This decision sets the stage for a transformative journey filled with challenges and self-discovery.

Throughout this arc, Leonard will grapple with the weight of his responsibilities and the strain it places on his friendship with his best friend, Allen. Their loyalty and trust will be put to the test as Leonard navigates the complexities of his dual identity.

Meanwhile, a shadow looms over the nation of Bellostria in the form of a mysterious figure known only as "The Professor," whose nefarious actions threaten to destabilize the delicate balance in the society. Additionally, a villainous group called "Ashes" adds to the turmoil, threatening the safety of innocent lives.

As Leonard encounters new heroes and villains alike, each with their own unique motivations and powers, he will confront the evolving definition of heroism and the sacrifices it demands. With every challenge he faces, Leonard will be forced to confront the true extent of his abilities and the role he plays in shaping the fate of the world.

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