Chapter 3: Planning

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After a week, George was finally discharged, his frail form supported by Leonard as he navigated the sterile halls. Sarah asked him to take care and assured Leonard that she will come regularly to their house to check on his father.

George, weak but resilient, managed a faint smile as he stepped out into the cool evening air. He sensed the burden of guilt weighing on his child's shoulders and sought to comfort him.

They reached home. While lying on his bed,

"Son, I'll be alright," George whispered, weakly offering a reassuring smile.

"It's just a matter of time before I'm back on my feet. I know it's been tough. I appreciate everything you've done for me," George said, his voice raspy but filled with gratitude.

Leonard nodded, concealing the turmoil within. "It's the least I could do, Dad. I just want you to get better."

Unbeknownst to his father, Leonard had harbored a burning desire for revenge since the day Polar had callously attacked, leaving his father battered and broken. The death of the innocent girl, a casualty in Polar's icy rampage, only fueled his determination to bring justice.

As the days passed, he immersed himself in research, poring over Polar's past exploits and studying his patterns. His intelligence, a weapon sharp as any superpower, became the linchpin of his plan. Late at night, he huddled over maps, blueprints, and surveillance footage, piecing together a strategy that would expose Polar's weaknesses.

 Late at night, he huddled over maps, blueprints, and surveillance footage, piecing together a strategy that would expose Polar's weaknesses

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Leonard knew he couldn't confront Polar head-on; the icy superhero's powers were too formidable. Instead, he meticulously devised a trap, exploiting the very nature of Polar's abilities against him. Ingeniously, he planned to lure Polar into a situation where his freezing touch would be his own undoing. He was constantly thinking about his plan.

In the college corridors, Allen couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. He had known Leonard for years, and this sudden shift in his behavior did not escape his keen observation. Also he hadn't forgotten the things Leonard said in the hospital. One day, Allen confronted him in the quiet corner of the library.

"Hey, something's not right with you lately. What's going on?" Allen's eyes bore into Leonard's, searching for answers.

Leonard sighed, his gaze falling to the books on the shelves. "It's nothing, Allen. Just worried about my dad, you know? The incident hit us hard."

Allen wasn't convinced, but he respected Leonard's privacy, reluctantly accepting the explanation. Little did he know that his friend was orchestrating a plan that would not only bring justice to his father and that girl but also put an end to the menaces of Polar.

Back at home, Leonard continued to keep his father in the dark about his brewing vendetta. Every smile he shared, every reassuring word he spoke, was a carefully crafted facade. he showered his father with love and attention, all the while concealing the fire of vengeance burning within. He couldn't afford for his father to worry, not when he was on the brink of confronting the icy nemesis that had shattered their lives.

One evening, as George sat in the living room, regaining strength with each passing day, Leonard stole a moment to reflect on the magnitude of the undertaking. The room was dimly lit, casting shadows on his determined expression as he stared at a detailed diagram of his plan.

"I'll make things right, Dad," he whispered, a steely resolve hardening in his eyes.

Little did George know that beneath the surface of his child's apparent sadness, a brilliant mind was at work, meticulously plotting the downfall of the cruel superhero named Polar.

For the past few weeks Leonard had been visiting an old factory. The factory stood like a forgotten relic on the outskirts of the city, its broken windows and crumbling walls bearing witness to years of neglect. People of the town didn't even know of this place. Inside this inconspicuous building, Leonard was setting the stage for his final confrontation with Polar.

Finally the day of judgment was here..!!


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