Chapter 11 : Emergency Meeting

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As the city of Edenvale grappled with the aftermath of the chilling incident, Commissioner Barry found himself plagued by concerns for the safety of its citizens. He paced the confines of his office, the weight of responsibility heavy upon his shoulders. This act of brazen violence threatened to unravel the fragile peace the city had fought so hard to achieve.

The following day, a high-level meeting convened between the Police Department and the Global Hero Association. In attendance were esteemed police officials, including Commissioner Barry, alongside GHA Director Patrick Wayne and the renowned S-class heroes Falcon & Mortal. Along with them, another hero Rocket was present. Rocket was actually the elder brother of the hero, Spike, who had died by the hands of professor. The atmosphere was tense, each individual keenly aware of the gravity of the situation.

GHA officials wasted no time in sharing crucial intelligence with their law enforcement counterparts. It was revealed that the third victim, Gabriel, held a senior position within the formidable villain organization known as Ashes. He was one of 3 generals of the Ashes group. As the revelations unfolded, Commissioner Barry leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Tell us more about Ashes," Barry demanded, his voice edged with urgency.

The GHA official cleared his throat before delivering a sobering assessment.

"Ashes is a highly sophisticated criminal syndicate, ranked among the top ten organizations of its kind worldwide. Comprising individuals with superpowers as well as powerless humans, Ashes specializes in a range of illicit activities, including arms trafficking, drug trade, and various other criminal enterprises."

"Do we have any details about their other generals or their boss?", asked a detective.

The GHA official replied, "sadly we don't have any more details about them or any of their other members detective! We just had one photograph of the person who died yesterday along with Spike and Ex-commissioner. "

Barry absorbed the information, his mind racing as he considered the implications. Drawing upon his years of experience in law enforcement, he provided additional context, detailing the history of the ex-commissioner and the significant cases he had overseen during his tenure.

With a solemn nod, Commissioner Barry, flanked by Director Patrick Wayne, addressed the assembly. 

"This may well mark the beginning of a larger threat," 

he stated gravely. "I urge all officers of the law and heroes of the GHA to remain vigilant in their pursuit of justice. We must leave no stone unturned in our quest to uncover any connections to this enigmatic figure known as 'The Professor'."

Thus, a nationwide search commenced, as law enforcement agencies and heroes alike mobilized in a united effort to confront the looming specter of darkness threatening to engulf their city. 


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At night, Leonard sat in his room, the weight of recent events pressing heavily upon his thoughts. The mention of the enigmatic figure known as "The Professor" sent shivers down his spine, stirring a sense of apprehension within him. His mind raced with questions, his desire to take action conflicting with his father's stern warnings.

As he brooded over the situation, Leonard's father, George, entered the room, his expression grave. Sensing his son's unease, George approached him with a reassuring yet firm demeanor. 

"Leonard," he began, his voice tinged with concern, "I know you're worried about this 'Professor' guy, but I need you to listen to me carefully."

George proceeded to caution Leonard against taking any rash actions. 

"Even though the police and GHA have scaled back their search for the masked man, pursuing the Professor is far too dangerous," he explained. "He's already claimed the lives of an A-class hero and an ex-cop. You're not equipped to face someone of his caliber."

With a steadfast gaze, George emphasized the importance of staying out of harm's way. "You'll only end up in the crosshairs of law enforcement and the GHA if you go after him," he warned. "I can't bear the thought of you putting yourself in such peril again."

Despite his instincts urging him to take action, Leonard knew he had to heed his father's counsel.

"I understand, Dad," Leonard replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "I won't go after the Professor. I'll stay out of it."

However, the unease continued to gnaw at him, a constant reminder of the danger lurking just beyond the city's borders. Leonard couldn't shake the feeling that staying idle was not an option, but he also couldn't bear the thought of defying his father's wishes.

Two days later, amidst the bustling atmosphere of the college cafeteria, Leonard was sitting alongside Allen and Jennifer. His mind drifted, consumed by thoughts of the recent events and the secret which he was keeping from his friends.

Jennifer's keen observation pulled him back to reality, her concerned gaze fixed upon him. "Leonard, is everything okay? From the past weeks, I have noticed that you are always lost in your thoughts" she inquired, her voice laced with genuine concern.

Allen, too, noted the subtle changes in Leonard's demeanor, his brow furrowed in thought. "You seem different lately," he remarked, his tone gentle yet probing. "More energized, somehow. You're eating more, and you are getting more muscular even though you don't go to the gym."

Leonard hesitated, unsure of how to respond.

"Oh, uh, yeah, everything's fine, I've just been trying to stay active, you know" he replied, his tone casual yet guarded, offering a weak smile in an attempt to deflect their concerns. "Just trying to keep myself busy by exercising at home."

Jennifer replied, "Okay, but then what were you thinking right now?"

Allen just said, "Is it about the recent murders? Because the whole city is worried about that. My dad hasn't come home for the past 2 days. He and his officers are relentlessly searching for the culprit."

"Yes, I was thinking about that incident only. It was really terrifying," replied Leonard.

Yet even as he spoke the words, he knew they rang hollow. The truth simmered beneath the surface, threatening to spill forth at any moment. But Leonard remained steadfast, determined to honor his father's wishes and keep the truth hidden.






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