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Hoseok was mindlessly scrolling throughout his Instagram for the last two and half hours, he had already watched way too more reels than he could count. All the cats video he watched reminded him of yoongi and he almost tear up thinking about his lover. It has been months since he last smell yoongi, touched him, hug him. Hoseok cursed himself for getting sick right now. If he wasn’t sick he would be in Paris by now, in yoongi's arms. With a huff hoseok looked at the tv. He almost forget it was on.

The award show was already nearing towards the end. Only few awards left before it ends officially. Hoseok sighed and was about to put his phone away when he accidentally touched the messege icon of the app. Hoseok groaned in annoyance. As a celebrity hoseok receive thousand of text everyday which is why he never bother to check them, since It's the same one as usual. Message like 'i love you' 'i am your biggest fan' 'i wish you were my boyfriend' sometimes people even sends nudes to hoseok's DM.

Which was one of the reason he stopped checking them a long time ago. Hoseok felt his headache coming back, he was about to exits when his eyes locked at one of the profile, hoseok stare at the profile, the profile picture  was a hand of a man with a bracelet, hoseok knew he had seen this bracelet somewhere but he couldn’t figure out where. Hoseok tried to think but his fever mind wasn’t able to help him much. Hoseok sighed in defate when he couldn’t figure out. He exits the app and turned down his phone..

He stare at the tv, some new group was performing at that moment, hoseok was mindlessly staring at them, when his mind clicked. Yoongi!  Hoseok has gifted this bracelet to yoongi when they started to date. Hoseok's eyes widen with realization, he picked up his phone and enter Instagram once again. He quickly clicked on the message icon and stare at it again.

The notification said, they last messaged 2 minutes ago, hoseok felt his heart beat getting faster, suddenly the room around him got silent as the only sound he could hear was his own heartbeat. Hoseok gulped, nervously, excited and afraid to see the messages. Afraid of what if it’s not who he think it is. Hoseok is not sure if he can handle heartbreak while he is severely sick. With a hamming heart hoseok clicked on the messages.


Seokseok i am so nervous

They are going to announce the producer of the year awards nominees now.

I don’t know what to expect

I am just happy i got a nomination

But what if i win? What should i say on the stage?

Namjoon, seokjin hyung, jimin, jungkook they all are really nervous. I can tell

Namjoon has been biting his nails for fifteen minutes now

It looks like he will have a heart attack any moment


I wish you were here with me seok

Me and our baby would really love to have you around

Oh i forgot to mention your son has been kicking me this entire evening, looks like he is more excited than me.

Wish me luck

I will text you later

I love you.

Hoseok felt his head spinning as he reread yoongi's messege. Hoseok is not sure if what's he is reading is true or his fever mind is playing game with him.

Yoongi is pregnant. Yoongi is pregnant with their baby. Hoseok is going to be dad. Hoseok is going to be a dad

Holy fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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