"We put aside half the supplies." Rick informed. 

"No, Rick. No. You don't decide what we take. I do. Arat!"

Arat stepped forward, "You heard the man. Move out!"

The men moved in, filling the streets of Alexandria. Daryl, Dwight, Negan, Rick and I were left at the gate. 

"They're just gonna search the houses a bit, keep the process moving." Negan looked to my brother, clapping his hands, "All right. You gonna show me around, or not? Well?"

Rick pushed past, following Rick. "Come on, sweetheart. I'll let you tag along." Negan motioned to me. 


Alexandria felt different. Daryl, Rick and I walked behind Negan's lead through our own home. I would often glance over to Daryl, hoping for a glance back, but there was nothing. He refused to look at me. 

"You see this? This is the kind of thing that just tickles my balls. A little cooperation and everything is pleasant as punch. You see, we really are reasonable people once you get to know us. Honest." Negan opened a cooler, taking a soda out of it, drinking it, and throwing it to the ground. "Damn, I love this place."

"Negan!" One of the men brought up a video camera. The one that Deanna used to tape our interviews with. "Somethin' you might wanna see."

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? I got my fingers crossed for a little freaky-deaky." He watched closely to Rick's interview on the tiny screen. "Is that you, Rick, underneath all that man-bush? Shi-it. I would not have messed with that guy." He held up the camera to Rick's face. "But that's not you anymore, is it? Nope! I really gotta shave this shit." He ran a hand over his beard. "I don't know, honey, what do you think?"

I shrugged, biting my lip from the humiliation. 

He grinned, "That reminds me, whatever happened to that sick girl? That seemed like a hell of a stressful night for her. The way she was carrying on, she was married to number two, right?"


Rick shot Negan a death glare. "Careful. Careful how you're lookin' at me, Rick. Widows, especially ones that look like that... they are special. I love 'em. Right after their husbands go, they are just... empty inside. But usually not for long. Ahh, where is she? I would love to see her."

Gabriel had stepped up behind Negan. "Would you care to pay your respects?"

No. Maggie can't be. Not Maggie. 

"Ho-ly crap! You are creepy as shit, sneaking up on me, wearin' that collar with that freaky-ass smile."

"My apologies. I'm Father Gabriel."

Negan turned back to Rick. "She didn't make it?"

"Maggie's dead?" I butted in.

Rick solemnly shook his head. Then, showed us where her grave was. Seeing it, seeing where she was buried, I still refused to believe it. My best friend- my sister- was dead. One of the people I cared most about in this world, the one who helped me become who I am today. The reason that I was alive. She was gone. 

"Damn tragedy." Negan commented. "That's what this is. Well, this must really suck for you guys. Number one? That was on me, no choice there. Lessons had to be learned. But number two? That didn't need to happen. Daryl, there, he forced my hand. Probably put her right on her back, huh? Damn. I was gonna ask her to come back with me." 

I shook my head. It wasn't on Daryl. Negan was sick. He enjoyed it. Every moment of it. 

"Oh, I know what you're thinkin'. How could I have a shot? A guy that just bashed her husband's head in. You'd be surprised. Boy, people, they-" 

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