Bridge Over Troubled Water

Start from the beginning

There they stood timidly gripping at their sleeves, looking up at their big sister who would no longer be a couple doors down, no more bedtime stories, no more water fights in the pool and no more emotional support when their parents were too busy to give any. 

My eyes softened at their sheepish faces, teary eyes wide and mouths twitching - how could any four year old comprehend or even begin to articulate their feelings in this situation - I would never ruin the image of their parents, they didn't deserve it for all I was concerned they would stay oblivious to all the wrong doings around them until they were old enough to understand and make their own choices and this was mine.

"Come here"

I knelt down, opening my arms for them, giving them a reassuring hug that everything was going to be ok.

"Are you going away?" 

Harry spoke innocently sniffling into my hair, I pulled them back to face me, doing my best to pull myself together and not cry infront of them.

"Yeah I am, I'm going to live with my friend" I nodded.

"Why?, is it because daddy got angry at you" Kai whispered, they must have heard.

"No no no, I'm just older now so I can go live on my own, you will one day too, dad was just sad because I was going" I lied stroking their faces to protect them from the truth.

They nodded as I held their hand, leading them to their rooms and giving them a kiss on each of their heads to say a teary goodbye, I grabbed my bag as I began to make a speedy exit reaching the bottom of the stairs and heading to the door.

"Don't leave" she announced.

I halted, rolling my eyes as I faced her.

"Why shouldn't I" I spat.

"We're your family" she tried to remain stern but her face was riddled with guilt.

"Not anymore"

She swallowed back her tears.

"Daisy I-" she began.

"No Blaire, don't even try, you knew the business he was doing and you kept me in the dark as you schemed some, I'm sure illegal, plan with the Cameron's, you are all selfish and greedy, and I don't doubt that you know full well what he did to me, but I'm sure that's all water under the bridge to you, anything for that money right Blaire?" my voice was venomous.

"We did everything for you children" her lip quivered.

"Oh please, all you've ever done for your kids was neglect to be there when they truly needed you, you know you would dress them up and boost your image but only for you, only ever about you!" tears streamed down both our faces as I made an attempt to not be too loud for the boys to hear.

"At least dad made the effort, he was everything you weren't, but now he's nothing, you are both nothing, I want nothing to do with you - don't come looking or dragging me back, I want my own life not to be just some accessory in yours and Leo's" with that I shut the doors on the mother I once had and the house that was never quite home.

I wiped my tears and checked my phone to see if I had any word from Sarah or the others, nothing, I still had some time.

"Rafe?" I called out, wandering the driveway but he wasn't back yet.

I walked to the garden to the opening that connected our properties to try and spot him, I frowned as I saw him pace back and fourth, his hand covering his mouth then hitting his head, I sprinted over the gardens towards him.

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