Seventeen going under

626 11 7


"Hey man, I just thought she's a simple touron" 

"Well you thought wrong, she's clearly a kook" Rafe raises his voice. 

I could tell things were getting heated, so did Sarah and Topper as they seemed to join us after Rafe's voice echoed through the beach. 

They were face to face, both seething with hatred. 

"I mean she's pretty hot for a kook though." JJ teased. 

Something inside Rafe snapped so much so you could almost hear it, I looked between the two boys Infront me, just as Rafe lunges forward knocking JJ completely off his feet, however it didn't seem to affect the blonde too much as he was up in a second shoving Rafe right back.

Before any punches were thrown Topper and a brunette - who I could only assume was JJ's friend due to his almost matching scruffy attire - had intervened pulling the two boys back into their corners. 

I stood there unable to move as I was completely bewildered by the scene in front of me. -Why is Rafe bothered? why are they so angry? and most importantly, what the fuck is a touron?-

Rafe fought against Toppers grip desperate to get to JJ - what the fuck is happening right now? 

"Control your boy "JJ's friend hollered at Topper who shot a glare back at him.

"Clearly you need to control yours too, put that scruff on a leash" 

Suddenly the brunette completely forgot about his role as peacemaker as he released JJ and began invading Toppers personal space. 

This of course left JJ and Rafe to continue with their own quarrel. 

Sarah, who was now beside me, gripped at my arm for support as she pleaded with both her brother and boyfriend to surrender the fight, which both of them turned deaf to.

Punches were thrown from both duels, at point the fights inter crossed and the opponent's switch. 

Sarah continued to shout but I was unable to get out at simple "stop" - not that it would've been effective in the slightest. 

The fight had made it way down the beach closer to the sea, a crowd had formed a circle, both sides of the islands cheering on their boys. 

Insults could be heard from all of the boys, none of them even partially batted an eyelid  - I'm convinced they liked fuelling the fire more so - that was until Topper said something that made impact, such an impact that even JJ and Rafe parted and turned their attention to them.

I was clueless to the matter but from what I could gather Topper hit a nerve about the brunettes - who I now knew to be John b - father. Everyone stared as John b tackled Topper to the ground, filled with more anger than before.

I was so overwhelmed by everything in front of me - I haven't even been here 48 hours yet

I caught Rafe's eye, he was panting, had a couple bruises and a split lip, he had lost his hat during the fight so his hair had fallen messily onto his forehead but overall he looked ok - not that I particularly cared- he almost had a hint of regret in his eye as he looked down at his feet. 

I was pulled from my trace as I heard screaming and turned my attention back to Topper who now had John b face down in the water.

He was struggling, gasping for air at any chance he got, Topper however had a malicious smirk on his face as he turned around looking at the crowd who was bellowing for him to stop - even they knew it had gone too far- he was putting all his weight onto the back of John b's neck and didn't look as if he was going to stop anytime soon. 

I got distracted by the sudden movements from JJ as he reached for his bag searching for something as he made his way down to Topper, who was still too focused on John b.

When JJ made it to Topper the crowd gasped but I hadn't inspected the situation fully yet, when I realised, I wanted to gasp but my breath hitched in my throat. "Yeah, you know what that is, your move Broski" JJ said holding a gun to Topper's head.

Topper held his hands up as Sarah screamed - this poor girl couldn't catch a break tonight - after not intervening for the duration of this fight I finally plucked up the courage to speak up.

"JJ pack it in you've made your point " I shouted. 

"Did you say something Ms London?" he flashed a smile at me which was both attractive and purely terrifying at the same time.

Once John B was breathing again JJ pushed Topper to the floor, pointing his gun up in the air.

 "Hey everyone get the hell off our side of the island" he shouts shooting the gun twice.

 All of us ran. 

My ears were ringing from the gun shots, but I could hear my heart thumping. I felt an arm slither around my waist pushing me forward to meet their pace.

I didn't even bother to look at who it was, I was too determined on getting out of there.

 When I finally reached a spot far enough away from the scene I slowed down. 

The crowd had disbursed exiting the beach from all angles, I spotted Sarah a short distance away - thank God - I felt like I partially had gotten my breath back, so I went to thank my helper from getting me away with ease, I glanced up and instantly lost my breath again - fuck sake

Rafe was staring down at me. 

He didn't even mutter a word just tightened his grip on my waist pulling me towards Sarah.


Sarah, Rafe and I had walked home in silence only saying a simple goodbye when we parted ways to go to our houses. 

Once I'd opened my front door and pulled myself upstairs. I was pretty sure I heard my dad ask me how my night was, but I was nowhere near in the mood to talk. 

When I reached by bedroom, I chucked my shoes and bag on the floor, pulled my shorts off and flopped into bed not even bothering to change into pyjamas, I was too exhausted - what a fucking night.

Part of me wanted to pack a bag a run back to the safety of London tonight, but right now I physically couldn't move so I just looked up at the ceiling and relayed and questioned all the events that had happened tonight.

Should I be mad at JJ? was I naive to have thought he was a nice guy ? but Rafe started the fight, why did he start the fight? what was this fucking rivalry about ? why did Rafe help me?

I silenced my thoughts choosing to not be bothered about them anymore as I fell into a deep sleep telling myself, I'll think about it in the morning.


Author's note

Getting into the swing of it now, hope you're all liking it so far- Sarah and Daisy are our babies xxx

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