In My Room

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We drove for a few minutes, adrenaline still running through our veins, everyone was talking about what they would do with the gold once it was all collected.

"Shall we all go back to the Chateau?" John B spurred us on for celebration.

With everyone agreeing, JJ headed towards the cut.

"Actually guys, I should really be heading back" I spoke up as JJ pulled up to the run down house. "Come on Daisy you were part of this too" Sarah tries to plead.

I was a little undecided.

 "Don't worry Dais, I can drop you back" JJ turning from the drivers seat placing his hand on the other seat. I nod, not particularly wanting to walk back. "You okay with me taking your van John B?" JJ asked as everyone proceeded to leave the Twinkie.

"Yeah man, just bring it back in one piece" he joked patting the roof. I hop out from the back and into the front seat next to him.

"Thanks for the help today Daisy, we really couldn't have done it without you" he spoke softly keeping his eyes ahead.

I turned my head, eyes widened, my silence causing him to turn, "What?" he looked almost scared, "You called me Daisy" he rubbed the back of his neck as if he was caught, "Well uh yeah it felt like a serious moment, anyways you need to get that cleaned" he pointed at my leg moving the conversation swiftly on.

"Thank you for the lift JJ, glad I could help tonight" I smiled jumping out, "We'll need some more of that help soon London" he taunted making me giggle "You know where to call" shutting the door sneaking up to the porch.

It was late but clearly not late enough.

As I walked into the hallway, laughter and chatter echoed from the kitchen. I walked in to see my parents around the island, with glasses of wine in hand and multiple open bottles of wine in-front scattered on the kitchen top. I turn to look at their guests.

Ward and Rose Cameron.

"Daisy, Darling come in" mum noticing me standing in the doorway, causing everyones heads to turn, I smile timidly. "How was your evening hun" She hugs me from the side, clearly merry as she never seems to show this amount of affection when sober.

"It was good" I answer.

"Nice to finally meet you Daisy" Ward speaks up with a smile on his face "Sarah has told me a lot about you" he continues raising his glass. "Good things I hope" I joke, causing a chuckle from him.

"Jesus Daisy, what's happened to your knee?" Dad questions looking down at me as he walks towards the wine fridge to pull out another bottle of sauvignon blanc.

"Oh, I slipped on some rocks when down at the beach" I lied, completely forgetting I had the wound. "I better get this cleaned up" I add "It was nice meeting you" I say with my attention on the Camerons.

Not wanting to cause any more suspicion, I paced up the stairs entering my room, closing the door quietly with my back, I stayed there for a moment, catching my breath whilst thinking about the night I just had.

I get out of my clothes, which were probably covered in all sorts and get into a small white tank top and some shorts. I walk into my bathroom and start to try and clean my gash.

I run the water for a moment till its lukewarm, holding the nearest cloth under it. I flinch as I place it on my knee, cleaning up any blood down my leg.

"Where have you been Dais" a voice makes me jump, I look up to the mirror in-front of me.


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