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After the cats quickly settled down and packed their goods in the past few days, they exchanged information with other familiar tribes on the fourth day and prepared to participate in the free trade in the evening.

The orderly priests of Holy Palace City will also take the initiative to promote the implementation of the free trading venue. After all, it can be regarded as a mutually beneficial good thing for Holy Palace City.

Due to the change in the original plan, the cats no longer have to play the role of a tribe of cats from other parts of the mainland. They can only wait quietly for the lemmings and rats. They can't help but sell the stolen porcelain and glass products on the market first. The cats Cats can just fish in troubled waters.

Everything was as Luo Qiu expected. The cats remained silent. On the first night of the trading market, they only sold some mineral gems and refined salt produced by the Claw tribe, as well as some other specialties. Some of the pottery products above are not too delicate.

The trading market at night was quite bustling. Before the Sacred Palace Sacrifice Ceremony began, tribes from all over the mainland were mixed together. A large area was circled east of the Holy Palace City and stalls belonging to each tribe were set up. This The stalls will continue to exist in the next few months, until winter is over and spring comes, and the fully loaded tribal teams will start to return to the tribe one after another in the warmer spring.

In other words, the Sacred Palace Sacrifice is held at the end of autumn, and in winter, tribes from all over the mainland will spend this season in the Holy Palace City.

In fact, many tribes regard the opportunity to come to the Holy Palace as an honor. After all, most tribes cannot wholeheartedly guarantee that the entire tribe can survive the difficult winter safely, but if they follow the sacrifices If the team heads to the Holy Palace City, they can indeed spend the winter peacefully.

Therefore, the sacrifices in the Holy Palace are often the existence that the orcs flock to.

However, the development of the Cat Tribe under the leadership of Luo Qiu in the past ten years has completely stabilized the population of cats in winter. The entire Talon Tribe will not experience any food shortages in winter. The promotion of the breeding of chickens and other birds or mammals has made it possible for cats to feed themselves even if they suffer irrecoverable disabilities during hunting.

Therefore, with the development of productivity, in addition to saving lives, the Sacred Palace Sacrifice has gradually evolved into a spiritual symbol in the Talon Tribe.

After all, religious beliefs are actually more often just helpless spiritual sustenance generated when life itself cannot be guaranteed. When every cat can feed itself with its own claws, you will see Things will be more focused on the present, and you will no longer pray to illusory gods.

Of course, Luo Qiu did not intend to weaken the belief in the beast god, it was just the law of development of things. However, sometimes ensuring a certain belief can also greatly ensure the moral quality of believers and the unity of different orcs.

The development of primitive society requires the existence of something that maintains mental stability. Even if Luo Qiu does not believe in the beast god, he admires the beast god even more because he borrows the identity of the beast god's envoy.

Thinking about it, it was really a sin. Luo Qiu mentally knocked the wooden fish, but turned around and focused more on the trading market.

The group of lemmings and rats soon couldn't bear it after stealing the exquisite porcelain and glassware, but they quietly sold these stolen exquisite goods to the market the next night.

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