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Spring Flower Festival was held as scheduled. The weather that day was also very gorgeous and soft. The weather in the middle of spring was already much stable. The blue sky was filled with large white clouds, and there was a spring breeze under the sky. High-spirited, blowing through many colorful flowers, sending floral fragrance.

There was also a lively atmosphere in the mountains and forests early on, with lively and bright sounds playing back and forth. It was obvious that there were already eager festival attendees who had already joined the atmosphere in advance, laughing and playing.

At home here, Luo Qiu also dressed up early in the morning. In order to fit in with the festival atmosphere, he picked out a few strands of his half-length golden hair and braided it into several small braids. The chain was tied on top, and a few small ornaments that were not too exaggerated were selected and pinned in the hair. On the forehead, a string of emerald gold wire forehead ornaments was also selected and hung between the eyebrows.

"Hmm, I don't know if it's because the beast energy is green, but now I'm slowly starting to like this translucent green." Luo Qiu whispered to herself while tying accessories on her hair.

In addition to the accessories on your head, you should also wear some decorative items on your body.

In the past few years, as he grew up, Uncle Noko gave him many metal armbands according to the size of his growth. Luo Qiu picked out a few styles in the cabinet that were not particularly exaggerated and put them on. You can hear the crisp sound of these armbands clanging together.

There are many other large and small ornaments placed next to these metal armbands, all of which were polished by Uncle Noko's hands bit by bit.

If he rummaged through it carefully, he could still find insects that a man carved with gemstones for him when he was a few years old, some crystals that looked like small crowns, or necklaces and bracelets that had been polished carefully and repeatedly and wrapped in soft animal skins.

On every important festival, the man would measure and polish suitable jewelry for him in advance. Over the past ten years, the jewelry had been accumulated to the size of a small box. Luo Qiu had sorted it into categories and carefully stored it. From time to time, he would open it and look at it. Look, take it out and play with it to appreciate it.

It's just that the amount of festive activities during the Spring Flower Festival is still too large. Luo Qiu cherishes these ornaments carved for him by Uncle Noko and is not willing to wear them at all.

These armbands don’t have too many patterns and won’t get damaged easily, so they’re just right for festivals.

Luo Qiu turned around and nodded with satisfaction.

A boy does not need to dress up too much, and he has no intention of finding a mate, so he just thinks he looks good. There is no need to dress himself up like other males who mainly want to find a mate during the Spring Flower Festival. Their heads were covered with braids, and all were tied with hair chains with various gem pendants.

Some people even connect various hair chains in series between armbands, just to dress themselves up and wear strings of gems. The various colors are not aesthetically pleasing and stand out. One is to turn yourself into a walking jewelry shelf.

From a distance, it looks like it is wrapped in shiny spider webs, making it inconvenient to move around in all its glory.

Luo Qiu had seen cats before, and couldn't understand the behavior of cats like peacocks spreading their wings. After all, if he really wanted a partner, wouldn't the shiny fur be more attractive to him? ?

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