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The appearance of this meerkat is similar to what Luo Qiu remembered. Except that its fur looks thicker, its small pointed head and long body behind it are similar to those of the earth. It can be seen that the meerkats above are indeed similar species.

The meerkats who were sent out as representatives ran up to the clouded leopard and stood up. After sniffing the air with their dark little noses, they felt relieved and chirped to communicate with the clouded leopard captain.

While communicating with the meerkat, the clouded leopard and the meerkat took out the certificate of friendly trade transactions between the tribes. It was a stone slab that was engraved by the top leaders of both parties and was then divided into two parts. When needed, it can be assembled. A complete pattern.

The size of the stone slab is no more than the size of a palm. Because it is relatively thin, it is inlaid on a piece of wood and wrapped with animal skin to prevent friction from damaging the lines on the stone slab.

After the meerkat opened the slate and looked at it, the first step was to confirm that there was no problem, and then he took the little caravan of cats around the low stone wall and walked towards the foothold inside the tribe.

The buildings of the meerkat tribe appeared before Luo Qiu's eyes after passing through the stone wall.

"Wow -"

Luo Qiu got off the big cat's back, holding her backpack that became a little heavy after picking many plant seeds along the way, and looked at the rolling sand dunes in front of her with her golden eyes without blinking. , made a sound of exclamation.

Because the meerkats themselves are relatively small, their tribal gathering places are basically all kinds of small mounds scattered together. When the cats in the caravan saw Luo Qiu's interest, they He unloaded the goods he was carrying into the temporary shed used to entertain them, while explaining what he knew about this tribe.

Unlike cats, meerkats' nests are mainly built underground, so the small mounds of different heights and crowded together seen on the ground are actually the meerkats' homes.

Meerkats are social animals unlike cats. Apart from dense tribal gathering areas like this, there is no separate residential territory. All meerkats build their home exits in relatively centralized locations. , and the underground is an intricate underground building system that is larger than a maze.

In order to save underground space, meerkats' underground tunnels are often used alternately by neighbors. Even if all the exits are blocked, these meerkats' interlaced underground tunnels will still have distribution points leading to other exits.

Luo Qiu helped the cats unload the cargo on their backs. While listening to the unique architectural designs of the meerkats, she marveled at the richness and diversity of nature.

"If you are good at living underground, it will be very convenient for them to repair the sewers."

The thoughts in Luo Qiu's little head lightly crossed, and he unconsciously said his true thoughts from his mouth, but simply The cats didn't pay attention and didn't understand what a sewer was.

Maybe we can try to investigate later. If Kanxi and the others can accept some more modern planning and design, they may be able to ask these meerkats to help repair the underground sewage system.

Of course, these are all things for later. After Luo Qiu put her small backpack properly together with the cats' things, she walked out of the temporary shed used to store things, stood at the door and looked around.

Most cats live alone. In addition to the relatively uniform houses in the tribal gathering place, in addition to the familiar cat species that are familiar to them every day, there are many other cats that are not seen every day. What’s new about them? Even Luo Qiu didn't know about his lifestyle.

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