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The activities in the daytime festival are not the highlight of the Spring Flower Festival, but more like a warm-up exercise for the festival. The cats in costumes will play with each other under the bright spring sunshine to get familiar with each other. , only after there are traces of ambiguity between each other will they become friendly and friendly during the campfire dinner.

During the day, Luo Qiu mingled with the newly adult cats with her white alpine flowers. While listening to this or that cat's comments about other cats, she gossiped about the small dried meat sticks. Listening to who was having a love dispute with whom, I was too busy to keep track of things for a while.

But occasionally when cats of the same age mentioned their requirements for pursuing a partner, Luo Qiu would always subconsciously compare them with Uncle Noko's conditions.

"...Ake's arm muscles are really amazing! If I train for a few years and join the hunting team, I will definitely be able to hunt a spiked wolf for me!" "...Lin

's waist! I looked at it when I was taking a bath in the Xinghe River that day. But, that guy is definitely good enough!"

"...Oh! I like Sawa's figure. Look, he's strong enough! When the time comes..." "...

Aju, I like Aju! He's really cute. ! I hope that our cubs can be as good and soft as Ajuan in the future!"

Luo Qiu bit into the dried meat strips while listening, silently thinking in her heart that although food and sex are good, if she really wants to From his point of view, none of his arms, waist, muscles or fur are as beautiful and energetic as his Uncle Noko.

When he thought about it like this, he couldn't help but feel that the very familiar figure of the man in his memory was tortured. Whether it was in the form of a beast or a beastman, every inch of muscle, bone, and skin were all crazy in his aesthetic point. Dance.

The cats gathered around and talked excitedly about their favorite objects. Seeing Luo Qiu being a little dazed, they couldn't help but pat him and ask him about him.

"Qiu, what kind of cat do you like? I've never seen you say anything before?"

After hearing this, the companions turned their heads and stared at Luo Qiu. After thinking about it, they found that they really couldn't think of what kind of cats Luo Qiu would like. .

Luo Qiu was stunned by this question.

"What kind of cat do I like... uh..."

Luo Qiu thought for a moment and found that after the other party asked this question, the subconscious answer in his mind was that it would be best to be a cat like Uncle Noko.

But the Claw tribe is so big, where can they find another cat like Uncle Noko?

Luo Qiu ignored the strange and strange thoughts in her heart, moved her mouth and came up with another answer.

"I...well, I don't know. Maybe you fall in love with the type you like, right? I have no intention of finding a partner for this festival, but I still wish you all the best." Luo Qiu was a little helpless.

Xiaolu smiled at his companions and said that he had no intention of finding a partner at today's festival.

The friends gathered around looked at each other and suddenly realized, but they didn't say anything and started chatting happily with each other.

Although Luo Qiu did not answer their questions directly, the cats felt that Qiu was indeed right. If you like this kind of thing, you just want to like it. This is the mentality of their young cats.

Moreover, it is not necessary to find a partner to participate in the Spring Flower Festival. It is also good for young single cats to get to know each other and make friends.

Dressed As A Cheetah Cub In A Primitive FarmingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora