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Winter ends quietly, which makes the arrival of spring appear with great momentum.

As if to make up for the damage caused by the harsh winter, the arrival of early spring is like the beating of gongs and drums, announcing that the past pain of the orcs on this land has finally come to an end, and a beautiful tomorrow has suddenly begun.

Spring returns and everything on earth revives. The bright yellow green hanging from the corner quickly ignites the entire forest like a soft flame. The monotonous black and white is covered by more and more green and colorful flowers that gradually bloom quietly. In memory has become blurry.

With the arrival of the first light rain, the Talon Tribe finally abandoned winter and officially welcomed the nascent spring.

The tribe was gradually filled with cubs who had been locked up all winter and were finally allowed to go out to play.


"Meow meow meow!"


After all kinds of little cubs came out of the cave, they chased and fought in groups in the open space of the tribe, one after another in different colors. The different little plush balls have small triangular ears. They are squeezed together, and then suddenly spread out with their buttocks sticking out. Only a tail that has gradually become plump can be seen standing on the swollen plush ball. .

At the end of winter, after the group of lemming caravans and the red fox team left, Luo Qiu quickly and quietly took her neighbor uncle and Kanxi to build a simple kiln. Now that spring has arrived, the finished kiln The kiln has also started running successfully, producing some smaller trial pieces.

Nowadays, not only every household in the Talon Tribe, but at least the relatively wealthy Maomao households have some odd-looking small pottery.

As the chief initiator of the pottery project, Luo Qiu, after leading the team of cats to learn about pottery clay and teaching them the specific methods of making pottery, gave Papa the most successful set of bowls he had made. Madara, Daddy and the others.

The rest are small cups with paw prints on them that he made with his own paws. These small cups were placed in the neighbor's uncle's house as jars for the cubs to place jam.

Other minerals were also surveyed very smoothly, but the materials for the explosives were still not very sufficient. Only a small amount of sulfur was found in the hot springs on the mountain, and Luo Qiu was still just a cub and had no way to become a person with five flexible fingers. As a child, the explosive proportioning work was temporarily put on hold, but the saltpeter mining work has been carried out in secrecy.

But not too often, because the bats and birds living in the cave tunnels are not very friendly.

In short, after all kinds of things were arranged, time suddenly became free again, and Luo Qiu was taken by the neighbor's uncle to start learning some simple hunting skills.


The little cheetah cub stumbled and landed on its head. One of its little paws was still holding a rabbit-like creature that was kicking its legs crazily. Noko, who was sitting aside, saw the little cub fall and stood up reflexively. He stood up, and then forced himself to sit down. The big tail behind his butt swung back and forth, expressing that the owner was not as indifferent as he appeared on the surface.

Luo Qiu blew away the dirt stuck to her mouth with a breath, then she pushed her round little body up with her hind legs, and quickly used her other paw to suppress the kicking rabbit in front of her, and continued to push hard. Sending his little body forward, the chubby little cheetah overwhelmed the lively rabbit, and the nails in his two little paws were tightly grasped under the rabbit's fur.

Dressed As A Cheetah Cub In A Primitive Farmingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें