Chapter 1

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Hi everyone.

I hope you will like this version of the book.

Alexia's pov:

I was enjoying my peaceful slumber when I was awoken by the annoying honk of a car. I pushed my head under my pillow clutching it tightly over my head to block the noise and continue my sleep. It was once again proved that I was not the god's favourite child when my phone started ringing adding up to noise. I mumble incoherent words but finally pick up the phone from my side table, finally putting an end to the ringtone and the honk both at the same time. 

"Are you trying to wake up the whole neighbourhood bitch?" I grumble on the phone trying to keep myself from falling back asleep. 

"Wakey wakey honey!" The sugar coated voice of my friend comes from the other side. It was Silas, that ass. 

"Bitch you better start writing your will on my name because you are so dead when I see you." I threaten him, finally getting the memo that I would not be getting any more sleep and wake myself up from my beloved bed. 

"We wouldn't have to do all this if you would get ready on time like normal humans. " Silas answers back. 

"And especially when you were the one who asked us yesterday to pick you up in the morning. Least you could do is be grateful for not leaving your sorry ass here." My other friend, Romeo jumps in the conversation. The call must be on speaker, I thought. 

"Actually I forgot to tell you that the garage delivered the bike last night. So you can go ahead, I'll join you later." I inform them yawning, clearly preparing myself for their overdramatic response. I could hear a loud gaasp from the other side.

"Wait. So you're telling me that Romeo have been honking my car for the past 20 minutes for nothing?"  My other friend, Roman, asks back slowly trying to confirm if he just heard me right. Romeo and Roman are twins but they are ways apart from each other. 

"Spot on. You are quite slow this morning." I tease him back. 

"You are just unbelievable. Silas has been shouting in my ears the whole ride to drive quickly. Then Romeo literally pushed me off the driving seat and honked for 20 minutes straight away and now you are saying you have a ride to school. I can't believe I had to deal with these kids this early morning. God, I sometimes wonder why am I even friends with you guys." Roman being the hothead he is, explodes on us. He sounds like a troubled parent.

"Don't be mean Ro. Maybe she was tired so she forgot to inform us about her bike. Maybe you should calm down. '' Isabella being the sweetheart she is, jumps in trying to defuse Roman's temper. Bella as usual being our saviour. 

"Okay babe. As you say." I heard Roman say her back followed by the sound of a peck. 

It is quite shocking how Roman managed to land our Angel Bella with him being the hothead and her being an innocent angel. They have been together for 1 year going strong. She is the only one who knows how to handle his temper. Of course that was needed or else me and Romeo would have killed Roman with the amount of bitching he does about literally everything and everyone, and that includes us as well. 

"Ok guys. Before you both start your make out, give me 20 mins and we'll go together." I inform them before cutting the call to avoid someone's grumbling. That someone is definitely not Roman. DEFINITELY NOT. 

I quickly rush to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I take a quick shower and get dressed for school. I could hear my phone ringing all throughout the shower but I ignored it knowing how impatient my friends can be. 

After 5 minutes of passionately searching for something super amazing to wear, I gave up on it and decided on a black ripped jeans and a plain white top which was on the top of my shelf. I quickly wear it and add some accessories to complete my outfit. I quickly grabbed my bag, bike keys, airpods, tablet and my phone which was still ringing. 

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