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The late Donna of Italian Mafia, Athena Deluca was a sharp headed woman. She was smart, beautiful, compassionate, caring and the best wife and mother. She was the best assassin and hacker of that era. She was 'THE SHADOW'. Always silent and swift. She was ruthless and she held her image even after getting married to the Italian Don, Francesco Deluca.

When they first met, Athena was assigned to kill Francesco. It was her first failed mission, the one which she was forever thankful for. They were a power couple who led The Italian Mafia to a new height.

She always ruled stone heartedly, never giving second chances and being the unforgiving one that she always was. Francesco bought out the best in her. He was her reason to be happy. It always surprised Francesco seeing his cold wife laugh and play around their kids. They struggled in their relationship with Athena's abandonment issues and Francesco trust issues but they found a perfect balance. She truly loved him and their little family. They fought together, ruled together, and lasted together.

But their happiness didn't last long.

It was shocking when the news spread that the Italian Mafia Donna passed away due to brain tumor. She was diagnosed at a later stage and there was no saving grace for her. She kept this hidden till she was on the deathbed spending all her happy moments with her family.

After the death of Athena, the Italian Mafia had their downfall. Francesco wasn't strong enough to recover from his wife's death. His Mafia, his kids, his world everything was falling apart and he couldn't do anything other than just watch. He had lost his will to do anything and his grief made him almost lose his kids as well. A near to death encounter to kill his kids was enough to snap him out of his pity party and take his role back. He had to stay strong for his kids, for his mafia, for his legacy and for his dead wife who would have wanted him to moveon.

He tried to be there for his kids but having 2 hormonal teenagers, 2 growing kids with a newborn running around was a lot for him. He had his mafia responsibility and he was somewhat failing to be the father that his kids needed his to be. Kids missed their mother and having an absent father wasn't helping them.

It was not practically possible for him to be with his children all the time. His youngest, Matteo was only 6 months old and he needed his parents the most.

He met Lily 6 months after Athena's death. They started getting to know each other. Lily was a bold woman with a fearless attitude and also a crazy hacker. They first met when she tried hacking into Francesco's account but got caught. He later discovered that she was a 30 year old orphan running from an abusive husband with no support. He offered her help and made arrangements for her so that she could be safe from her husband.

Over the time Lily grew fond of Francesco and proposed to him. However he refused her saying he wasn't ready for a relationship. He was still grieving for his wife and he would never be able to love anyone other than his wife. But when she suggested that they could be together just for his kids, Francesco couldn't help but give it a second thought. His kids loved spending time with Lily and she was great with them.

Lily was aware that Francesco wasn't looking for a romantic relationship and only wished her to be mother to their children. When he gave her a chance to back off, she couldn't bring herself to do that. Lily had fallen in love with him and she couldn't let this opportunity go. She agreed to have a completely platonic relationship with him and be a mother figure to his children but she still had hope that he could fall in love with her. She became the perfect mother for his children.

Over the time all children but Alessandro grew fond of her. Alessandro being the eldest remember his mother and wasn't ready to let someone replace his mother. Nonetheless he was always respectful towards her. Francesco felt indebted to her and made sure to make every little thing was available to her as per her comfort. Lily started to misunderstand his gratitude as his love and tried to form a relationship with him.

It was almost 2 years to Athena's death but Francesco never really showed any romantic interest towards Lily. She was desperate for him to see her as more than just a friend. She saw how attached he was to his kids and she believed that having their own kids would make him fall in love with her.

One day she spiked his drink and forced herself on him. She knew it was wrong but she also knew that it was the only way to make him love her. The next day when Francesco woke up and he saw what he did, he felt like he cheated on Athena. Lily convinced him that it was one of their weak moments and they should forget about it. He was still disturbed due to it but she convinced him to let it go.

After a few months they found out that Lily was pregnant. Though Francesco was disappointed in himself about that night he couldn't help but feel happy about being a father again especially when he found out he was becoming a father to twin girls. There was no fault of his unborn children and he knew that they would bring nothing but happiness in his life. The same happiness which disappears after Athena's death. He vowed to love them equally. All the kids were extremely happy. Lily expected him to show romantic interest in her after her pregnancy but he never did. He fulfilled his every responsibility as a father but never tried to be her husband.

Lily kept on getting frustrated due to Francesco's behavior and she started losing hope that he would accept her. She knew she couldn't stay in that home anymore pretending to love his and Athena's kids anymore. She couldn't bear seeing him live in memories of his old wife. She decided to leave with her kids so that he feels the pain of losing his twins. She was aware that she couldn't outrun Francesco, the Italian Mafia Don if he came after her. If he wished, he could find her from any corner of the world.

Lily went through a premature delivery at 6 months and that time Francesco was out of the town. They had no time to take her to their hospital so they rushed her to a nearby private hospital.

She knew this was her only chance to leave when Francesco was away and her kids were finally born. She asked hospital staff to help her leave, claiming Francesco to be abusive and that he would kill her children. After paying the hospital staff, they helped her ditch the guards and she left the hospital with twins without letting anyone know. She faked the death of the twins so that Francesco won't come after her. She knew she would have to manipulate him so that he would not try to find her.

When Francesco came to visit her, he found out about the death of the twins and found a letter there.

"Dear Francesco,

I am sorry about leaving so abruptly. I need to cope with the death of the twins and I don't think I can do that while being around you. I am taking the body of the twins with me. I really love you but I think it's time I start to think about myself. I can't be in this loveless marriage anymore. Please don't try to find me and let me live my life alone. Consider it as you returning the favor after I took care of your children.

Goodbye. "

Francesco was heartbroken after knowing everything and he felt guilty thinking that taking care of his kids was just a favor of hers. She never considered his kids as hers. It broke him that he couldn't even see the face of his dead twins. He vowed to never let another woman near his kids.

Years passed but Francesco and his kids could never forget the twins. The pain never faded but their life went on. They grew together as a family but they knew that their Family will always miss the presence of the twins..

Their twin princess...

The Deluca Twins...

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