I looked in the doorway, and Mr Santoro was gone.

I glared at Scarlett and put my arms over my chest, "Jerk."

She smiled, leaned on the bed, and kissed my lips. She pulled a few inches away from my face and smirked, "You love it." The she left the room.

I stared at her as she walked away.

She didn't even check and see if anyone was at the door when she kissed me.

There's something I don't know.


"Wow." Yoda's eyes were wide when I finished telling him the events up until now, "You two are so cute I think I might throw up."

"Me too," Mobius leaned forward and flicked the ashes of his joint into the small Rick and Morty themed ashtray, "I do think you guys are cute together."

Syd nodded and slowly blew out a puff of milky white smoke, "You fit eachother." She grabbed the McDonald's cup out of the cupholder, "We're happy for you."

I noticed the hint of  hesitation in her voice. "But?"

She shrugged and looked out the passenger seat window, "I wish you were around more. I love you and Scar but that's all you do now."

I looked between my other friends. And I have been missing out, "You all feel that way?"

Yoda shrugged, "Who's the guy I'm talking to right now?"

Heat rose in my cheeks, "Um.."

He smiled, "That was a joke. No one knows."

Mobius snorted, "You're a dork, Yoda." He looked out the backseat window, "Oh come on guys," He opened the right back door.

I opened the drivers side door and looked out at the stars. And they were beautiful.

Syd, Yoda, and I went camping here around this time last year and we figured we should bring Mobius along.

And our little friend named Mary Jane.

We sat on the blankets we set out next to the small fire and I pulled the blunt out of my Carhartt pocket, lighting it up.

I took a long hit and passed it to Yoda.

Yoda passed it to Mo.

Mo passed it to Syd.

And his hand lingered on hers.

I looked up at him and noticed the look in his eyes. The same look her gave me Freshmen year.

Mobius likes Sydney.

When the blunt came back to me, I took another long hit and looked around the circle, "We shiuld play truth or dare." I handed it to Yoda once more.

He nodded, "I love that."

Mobius and Sydney shared a look. Then she smiled and nodded, finally looking away from the blonde boy, "Okay."

I looked at him, "You first, Mo."

He nodded and sat up straighter, "Yoda, truth ir dare?" He took the blunt from him.

Yoda shrugged, thinking about the question for
just a moment, "Truth."

Mo nodded and handed it to Syd, "Who is your least favorite one direction member?"

Yoda's eyebrows shot up, "You're joking."

Mo smirked and shrugged his shoulders, "Answer the question dude."

Yoda groaned and leaned back on the quilt, "Liam. Only because his solo career started and stopped within a year."

"Wow bro." I shook my head at him.

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