A New Allie

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Something warm. And, incredibly soft. That felt like a thousand pillows beneath you. What was it?

As you yawn and open your eyes, you are met with a very strange sight. You, in a cave with a dimly lit fire and no one around. Looking down, you happen to notice the arrow from your leg gone and a majority of wounds bandaged up.

"Hm...well, this is a pleasant surprise..." Pushing yourself up against your elbows, you lean in closer towards the fire beside you before using your bending to heat it up more. As you see the ingredients to make tea on a small tray beside you, you get to work.

Pouring the tea leaves, some water, and a few other ingredients inside the kettle in front of you, you hold it over the fire. As the fire boils the water, you don't seem to notice somebody behind you.

As the man looks at you from behind, he clears his throat, gaining your attention. "I see you're up." As you turn to face the man, you look at him, surprise written all over your face.

"Iroh?" The man nods before walking over and sitting next to you.

"I found you washed up against shore and noticed you were extremely cold, wet, and wounded. I didn't want you to freeze nor get an infection so, I bought you here so you could warm up by the fire and have a nice meal."

You smile as Iroh says this before pouring him a cup of tea and handing it to him. "Thank you so much. So, I'm assuming you're the one who changed me into this outfit, too, yes?"

The man gives you a sheepish glance as you ask this. "Well, yes. I did. But, if it helps, I didn't look. Honestly." He then proceeds to take a sip of his tea before placing the cup back down, a soft smile on his face.

"Even though you are extremely attractive, I would never look at a woman without permission. Never." You pour yourself a cup of tea before looking at Iroh, a soft smile on your face. "Really?"

He nods.

"Well, thanks for the reassurance but, that't not the thing I'm worried about."

The man raises an eyebrow as you say this. "It isn't?" You shake your head. "No."

"Well then, what are you worried about?" You pull at the seemingly never ending fabric of your , a small frown on your face. "It's just...you didn't have anything in a smaller size? This seems a little-"

A part of the kimono falls past your shoulders. "Loose..." Iroh laughs as you say this before taking another sip of tea you made. "(Y/n). If I had something smaller, I would've given it to you."

"I know but, are you sure you have nothing else?" Iroh nods his head. "Yes. I'm sure." You sigh before crossing your arms over your chest. "Damn it. Well, do you still have my old outfit?"

The man tilts his head to the side. "You mean the one that's completely torn to shreds and covered in blood? I do have that one. Why? Do you need it?" You pout before puffing out your cheeks. "Never mind..."

"Glad you're understanding how scarce I was in clothing..."

As you and Iroh drink your tea in silence, you happen to realize it's getting extremely late outside. Noticing you eyeing the door, Iroh raises an eyebrow before taking another sip of his drink.

"And, what do you think you're doing?"

"Oh. Nothing. It's just...It's getting late and I should really be goin-"

'I don't think so, (Y/n). You're leg is still healing. And, not only that but, I haven't gotten whatever's stuck in your stomach out yet."


From Admiration, To An Obsession (Yandere ATLA x Spirit Reader)Where stories live. Discover now