Saving The Avatar

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As you watch the Avatar in the reflection of the river, you let out a long sigh before grabbing your bag. Placing it on your back, you stand up before walking away.

"And, where do you think you're going?" As Koh asks this, you turn to face the creature, the on your body glistening in the dim light of the Spirit Realm. "To see the avatar, of course. It seems as though he's been caught. You know the drill by now, Koh." The said spirit sighs before nodding.

"Yes. I know. Whenever a new avatar shows up, you have to teach them how to use their abilities."

"And now, I have to rescue this silly little boy. All because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time." You look down for a minute.

"Maybe I should pick up some Frozen Wood Frogs on the way. Just for a little snack."

Koh continues to look at the river. "You go do that."

"Any ideas on where the avatar may be?" Koh closes his eyes. "Based on what the place looks like in the water, he's been captured by the fire nation."

"Maybe in the fortress? By the swamp?" Koh nods. "Yes. It would appear that he was also looking for Frozen Wood Frog for his sick friends."

"So, I was right to pick up some up." You give Koh a soft smile. "Thank you so much, Koh."


As you walk through the spirit world, you climb up a tree. Upon opening a portal beneath it, you jump inside. As you land on your feet in the middle of a forest, you happen to land directly next to the swamp.

"Hm. That's a nice coincidence." Walking into the river, you find a good bit of frogs before trapping them inside an air bubble and freezing it.

As you place the frozen frogs inside your bag, you hide behind a tree before changing into something more . As you pull your hair into a high ponytail, you take a out of your bag.

Placing it on your face, you load your bag up onto your back before pushing yourself into the air and hopping from tree to tree, heading towards the Fire Nation's Fortress.

"Don't worry, avatar. I'm coming for you."

As you run through the halls of the fortress, attacking anyone who tries to stop you, you finally make your way to where the avatar is being held.

As you make your way in, the avatar gasps as he sees you hold up a pair of . Running towards the young boy, you swing them towards him as he covers himself up.

When you move away, the restraints fall off, surprising the avatar. As somebody runs from behind you and slices off the rest of the restraints off, you look at them, before examining the blue mask on their face.

'A blue masked spirit. Hm...I'll just call him Blue guy.'

Walking to the door, you look out to make sure nobody is outside.

"W-Who are you two? What's going on? Are you here to rescue me?" The masked stranger walks up to you. As you open the door and motion for the two to follow you, they do just that.

"I'll take that as a yes."

As you walk past many guards that both you and the male have taken out, you don't seem to notice the boy walking off. As he yells out, "My frogs!", the masked male immediately walks towards the boy before grabbing the avatar by the collar and pulling him away.

"Wait! My friends need to suck on those frogs!"

As you all make your way beneath the fortress, you sneak your way out through the pipes. Finding an opening, you jump up before looking out of it.

From Admiration, To An Obsession (Yandere ATLA x Spirit Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang