Avatar Day

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As you watch the spider with anticipation, you lean in closer as if to see what's going to happen next. When you see a fly land in front of the spider, you nod. Motioning for Momo to go ahead, the lemur leaps on top of Sokka before sticking his hand in his mouth.

As Sokka's eyes practically bulge out of their sockets and he swings Momo on top of him, you grin before turning towards Aang.

"See? Told you he'd wake."

Aang frowns before crossing his arms over his chest. "That's only because Momo was rough! He needed to be more gent-"

"Um, Hello!" As Sokka looks at you and Aang with anger in his eyes, you give him a soft smile. "What can we do for ya?" Sokka rolls his eyes before pushing Momo off of him. "How about letting me know before the lemur steals his meal from my mouth!?"

You shrug it off. "Nah. Nah. Let him be. You were the one sleeping with your mouth wide open." Sokka groans as you say this before pulling the top of his sleeping bag over his head.

As you and Aang go back to talking, he brings up something quite unexpected. "So, back in the Water Tribe...when you were fighting Paku...you were saying something about some technique?"

You nod your head. "The Kira Technique?" Aang nods his head. "Yes. That."

"What about it?" He nervously goes on. "Well, I was wondering...if there are any more techniques you have like that?"

"So, in other words, you mean techniques that have the potential to cause serious damage and kill others if not done properly?"

Aang nods his head. "Yes."

You think for a minute. "Well, there are four. And, I've mastered them all."

"I see. And, what are they?" You grin before scooting in closer towards Aang. "Well, I'm not supposed to tell anybody but, since I'm your mentor, I guess I can tell you. The tactics I studied and mastered were Kira, Lapis Cor, Kagunes, and Dividendo Aere.

"And, what do they do?"

"Well, when I'm using my Kira technique, as you already know, I can tap into my chi and use it to attack others. I attach to theirs and well, I can control their body."

"I see...and, the others?" You look down in thought.

"In brief detail, I can only explain them as this. Turning people into stone, literal tentacles coming from my back, and slicing anything and absolutely everything that comes within a hundred meters of me."

"Oh..." Aang looks at you, both slightly concerned yet, intrigued. "Are there...any draw backs?"

"Besides being extremely weak and literally being ashamed of myself? No."

"Okay...and, are there any more skills you have?" You grin before patting Aang on the cheek. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

Aang frowns as you say this. Raising his hand in the air, Aang's about to question you further on but, before he even has the chance, you hear rumbling in the distance.

As Katara and Appa wake up from their sleep you notice multiple Fire Nation soldiers swarming you on large beasts.

"Give up. You're completely surrounded." As the men aim their arrows towards you all, you use a gust of wind to send them flying. Seeing the soldiers a little disoriented, you run towards Appa before jumping onto his back.

As the others rush over, you notice all their stuff on a tree stump. "Guys! Your things!" As Katara and Aang notice their things as well, they try to retrieve them.

From Admiration, To An Obsession (Yandere ATLA x Spirit Reader)Where stories live. Discover now