The Fortune Teller

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So far, everything is going pretty well. You've already met Sokka and Katara who, at first, seemed skeptically that you wouldn't take off your mask but eventually warmed up to you and Appa and Momo, who immediately took a liking to you.

Taking an out of your bag, you hold it up to the light before shrugging. Putting the outfit on, you grab your previous outfit before walking outside and heading towards the river.

As you see Katara and Aang watching Sokka trying to catch a fish, you chuckle to yourself before walking to the other side of the river and washing your clothes in the water.

'Sokka. He doesn't know how to bend but he is...somewhat...skilled with weaponry...'

You turn to see the said male getting abused by a fish.

'I stand corrected. Katara. A water bender in training. She's a lot more calmer and reasonable than her brother, Sokka. Not only that but, she's also the smarter of the two.'

As Sokka continues to struggle with the fish, Katara engulfs it inside a bubble of water before throwing it onto land.

When you turn to look away, you notice Aang staring at you. As you give the male a friendly wave, he blushes before quickly turning away and whistling to himself.

'And Aang. The avatar. He's very playfully and easily flustered. Probably because he's still so young. Well, technically...'

As some water splashes on you, you look up in front of you. Seeing Sokka face first inside the river, you sigh before pulling your clothing out of the water, setting it on shore, and walking towards Sokka. Grabbing the male by the chin, you give him a playful grin.

"Hey, Sokka! Enjoying your swim?" The male rolls his eyes before pulling away from your grasp. "Yes. In fact, I am." As you examine the male wringing out his clothes, you chuckle before walking back over to your wet clothing and hanging them up on some rocks.

"What were you doing to get you into such a situation?" He frowns. "I was trying to catch a fish but it just didn't want to be caught." You smirk as the male walks out of the water.

" wouldn't mean...the fish Katara caught, right?" Sokka pouts before crossing his arms. "I could've done that if she wasn't in the way..."

You walk up to the male before patting his back, a grin on your face. "No, you couldn't, honey." As you walk away, Sokka follows you, a fish on his head.

"Hey! Give me a break! At leas..." As you notice Sokka trailing off with his sentence, you turn just in time to see him staring at your body.

As drool practically comes from his mouth, you clear your throat, bringing his attention back up to you. "It's what I usually wear. My casual wear, if you will."

"Oh..." Sokka gulps. "I likey...Sokka likes this very much..." As the male licks his lips, you sigh before turning your back to him, once again.

"That's none of your business, Sokka. And if I were you, I'd be worried about myself." The male raises an eyebrow as you say this. "Huh? What do yo- COLD! It's so cold! Why is it soo cold!"

You smirk as you walk away. "You'll thank me later!"

"(Y/n)!" You cackle but before you can even retort, Aang yells out, "Somebody's being attacked by a platypus bear!"

"Huh?" You gawk as you turn to look at the scene. "No way!" As you nimbly jump from tree top to tree top, you watch the fight.

"Wow. He's dodging all of his attacks. The person is extremely skill-"

From Admiration, To An Obsession (Yandere ATLA x Spirit Reader)Where stories live. Discover now