The Siege of The North: Part 1

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As you stand in front of your students, make a small whip of water before moving it towards the front. "Water is the element of change. The people of the water tribe are capable of adapting to many things whether it be climate..." You freeze the water. "Or environment..." You bend the water until it turns to a vapor.

"They have a deep sense of community and love that holds them together though anything." You bend the water towards Katara.

"I hope everyone else can be as intertwined with each other as Katara and I are." Katara bends the water back.

"You have to be synchronized and in tune with oneself in order to bend." You catch the water and freeze it before bending it towards a student.

"If you're not in tune with yourself then you can kiss learning the art, goodbye." Just then, the ice turns back to water before falling to the ground. The student frowns as they cross their arms. "So close..."

"Got it, everybody?" Everyone nods, causing you to smile. "Good. Then everyone, for now I want you all to practice your movements. You all remember how I had you watch the moon last class, correct?"

Everyone nods once more. "That's because we get our power from the moon. Push and pull as if you are the tides and then, I'm sure you'll have this water bending down pact."

Walking away from your students, you leave them to work on their movements. When you see Master Paku in the distance talking with Aang, you immediately walk towards the pair, a smile on your face.

"Hello. How are you two today?" Paku bows towards you. "We're okay, (Y/n). Thank you for asking. Are the students doing, okay?" You wrap an arm around Katara as she walks over. "Yes but, none of them are nearly doing as good as Katara! She's outstanding and her bending is almost as good as ours!"

You playfully nudge her shoulder. "Seems as though she could be the avatar herself!" The said woman blushes before dismissively waving her hand. "I wouldn't say that..."

You hold Katara's hands in your own. "Don't be modest! You've put so much hard work, Katara! The least I could do is congratulate you!"

Katara hides her face in her hands. "Well, if you insist..." You run your hands through the woman's hair.

"You know, just for this, why don't we get out into the market! I'll get you anything you want! My treat! We could get you new clothes, try on some makeup, braid each other's ha- Huh? What's this?"

As you see both flakes of snow and soot in Katara's hair, you look up at the sky. Upon seeing looking up, however, you cover your mouth.

The sky around you are almost covered in smoke.

"The Fire Nation. They're here..."

As multiple drums sound and people begin running towards the middle of the village, you follow after them. As you see Yue's father in the middle of it all, you wait for the man to talk.

"The day we have feared for so long has arrived. The fire nation is on our doorstep." You sit next to Sokka, Aang, and Katara.

"It is with great sadness I call my family here before me knowing well that some of these faces are about to perish for our tribe.

You look at Yue and Paku before looking towards Aang and Katara. "They will not perish from our hearts, however. Now, as we approach the battle for our existence, I call upon the great spirits. Spirit of the Moon! Spirit of the Ocean! Be with us!"

The man looks down at the crowd. "I'm going to need volunteers for our dangerous mission." Sokka stands up, a look of determination on his face.

"Count me in."

From Admiration, To An Obsession (Yandere ATLA x Spirit Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora